Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Daesh attack claims 7 pro-regime fighters’ lives in Syria | TOME


Seven Members of Pro-Regime Forces Killed in Daesh Attack in Syria

In a recent attack by the Daesh group, seven members of pro-regime forces were killed in Syria. The attack took place near Boukamal, a town on the border with Iraq. The attackers, who were on motorbikes, opened fire on a military post, resulting in the deaths of the pro-regime fighters.

Daesh, also known as the Islamic State, has been responsible for numerous attacks in Syria this year. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, these attacks have claimed the lives of at least 385 members of pro-regime forces and 165 civilians. The Observatory, which has a vast network of sources in Syria, reported that both Syrians and foreigners were among those killed in the recent attack.

The Islamic State rose to power in 2014, establishing a self-proclaimed “caliphate” in parts of Syria and Iraq. However, the group faced successive offensives from international anti-jihadist coalitions, leading to the decline of its influence. In 2019, the defeat of IS in Syria was declared, but the coalition remained in the country to combat remaining jihadist cells.

The conflict in Syria began in 2011 with the brutal repression of pro-democracy demonstrations by President Bashar Assad’s regime. Since then, the country has been torn apart by more than twelve years of bloody conflict. The war has resulted in over half a million deaths and has divided the country into various zones of influence.

Assad’s regime has managed to regain control of a significant portion of Syria with the support of its Russian and Iranian allies. However, pockets of resistance and ongoing violence persist, particularly from extremist groups like Daesh.

The attack near Boukamal highlights the continued threat posed by Daesh and other extremist organizations in Syria. Despite the defeat of the group’s self-proclaimed “caliphate,” it has managed to maintain a presence and carry out attacks in the country. The ongoing conflict and instability in Syria provide fertile ground for these groups to operate.

The international community, along with the Syrian government, must remain vigilant in their efforts to combat terrorism and restore peace in the region. Continued support for anti-jihadist coalitions and efforts to address the root causes of extremism are crucial in preventing further attacks and ensuring the safety of civilians and pro-regime forces.

As the conflict in Syria enters its thirteenth year, it is essential to prioritize diplomatic solutions and negotiations to bring about a lasting peace. The suffering of the Syrian people cannot be ignored, and concerted efforts must be made to rebuild the country and provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the war.

The recent attack serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by Syria and the need for sustained international support. Only through collective action and a commitment to resolving the underlying issues can Syria hope to emerge from this long and devastating conflict.

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