Friday, October 27, 2023

Comparing Russia’s child casualties to Israel’s: Is it fair to shame only one?


Title: Israel’s Lethal “Mistakes”: The Tragic Reality of Palestinian Children


The tragic death of two-and-a-half-year-old Mohammad al-Tamimi at the hands of Israeli soldiers highlights the ongoing violence and injustice faced by Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. This article sheds light on the alarming number of children who have been killed and injured by Israeli forces, the lack of accountability for these crimes, and the United Nations’ failure to address this issue adequately.

Heading 1: Mohammad al-Tamimi’s Tragic Death

On June 2, little Mohammad al-Tamimi was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers while sitting in his father’s car in Nabi Saleh, a village in the West Bank. Despite efforts to save him, Mohammad succumbed to his injuries four days later. His father survived but was left traumatized by the incident. This heartbreaking incident is just one example of the countless Palestinian children who have lost their lives due to Israeli military actions.

Heading 2: Israel’s Pattern of Violence Against Palestinian Children

The killing of Mohammad al-Tamimi is not an isolated incident. Israeli forces have a long history of targeting and harming Palestinian children. In 2022 alone, 42 Palestinian children were killed, and 933 were injured by the Israeli military. In 2021, Israeli forces killed 78 Palestinian children and injured another 982. These staggering numbers reflect the devastating impact of Israel’s actions on Palestinian children’s lives.

Heading 3: The UN’s Failure to Address Israeli Crimes

Despite mounting evidence of Israeli soldiers’ grave violations against Palestinian children, the United Nations has failed to hold Israel accountable. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently chose not to include Israel in its “list of shame,” which identifies parties responsible for grave violations against children in armed conflicts. This decision has drawn criticism from human rights organizations, who argue that Israel’s actions warrant condemnation and inclusion in the list.

Heading 4: Double Standards and Hypocrisy

The UN’s failure to address Israel’s crimes against Palestinian children highlights a double standard in its approach to human rights violations. While Russia was rightfully included in the “list of shame” for its actions in Ukraine, Israel continues to evade accountability. This discrepancy raises questions about the UN’s criteria for determining when the killing and maiming of children becomes “appalling” and “shameful.” The nationality of the perpetrators should not influence the response to such atrocities.

Heading 5: Human Rights Watch’s Call for Accountability

Even Human Rights Watch (HRW), a respected organization, has criticized the UN’s omission of Israel from the “list of shame.” HRW argues that Israel belongs on the list and that its exclusion sends a troubling message about the UN’s commitment to holding powerful governments accountable. Palestine’s ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, also expressed disappointment with Guterres’s decision, calling it a “big mistake.”

Heading 6: The Price of Cowardice

The UN’s failure to address Israel’s crimes against Palestinian children may stem from a desire to protect diplomatic interests and maintain important positions. Diplomats often choose their battles carefully, and the plight of Palestinian children may not be deemed worthy enough to risk their positions. This cowardice comes at the expense of justice for the victims and perpetuates a cycle of violence and impunity.


The tragic death of Mohammad al-Tamimi serves as a painful reminder of the ongoing violence faced by Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli forces. The lack of accountability for these crimes, coupled with the UN’s failure to address them adequately, highlights the need for international pressure to hold Israel accountable for its actions. The lives of Palestinian children should not be disregarded or overshadowed by political considerations. It is crucial to recognize their suffering and work towards a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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