Thursday, September 19, 2024


Rand Paul Calls for U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Niger | TOME

The senator’s proposal would require Biden to withdraw forces from the West African nation within 30 days.

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Starbucks Sues Union Over Pro-Palestine Tweet | TOME

The coffee company says the union, Starbucks Workers United, is making people think it stands in solidarity with Palestine after the Hamas attack.

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J Street Urges Democrats: Support Gaza War Resolution or Risk Losing Endorsement

Once a “pro-peace” Israel lobby alternative, J Street is pushing a hawkish resolution on Israel that ignores Palestinian civilians.

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GOP Measure Blocks Pentagon Aid to Pakistan

The defense budget amendment would cut off funds to Pakistan amid an ongoing crackdown by the military establishment and its civilian allies.

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Saudi Arabia’s Loss-Making U.S. Investments: Buying Influence

Following Saudi Arabia’s purchase of the PGA Tour, a new Senate report revealed the dictatorship’s ballooning share of the American economy.

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ICE Defied Biden’s Order on Trump’s Deportation Policy

A third of ICE enforcement actions during Biden’s first year in office targeted people who posed no threat to public safety.

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Oakland Reform District Attorney Recall Campaign Initiates

Oakland District Attorney Pamela Price is the target of a recall campaign, joining a slew of reformist prosecutors in California and elsewhere.

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