Friday, September 20, 2024


World Press Photo of the Year: Cropping History & Reality

WPP winner demonstrates Palestinian grief is only acceptable to the West if it is sanitised and devoid of context.

NYC Mayor Accuses Grandmother to Justify NYPD Assault on Columbia

Nahla Al-Arian lost more than 200 relatives in Israel's attacks on Gaza. Then Eric Adams said she was the reason police raided Columbia.

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AIPAC Intervening in Portland Congressional Race Against Susheela Jayapal, Sources Say

The pro-Israel group is funneling money through a “pro-science” PAC, according to two members of Congress.

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AIPAC Targets Rep. Jamaal Bowman | TOME

The Israel lobby is expected to start a $20 million ad blitz backing its handpicked candidate against the incumbent Squad member.

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Professors Nationwide Defend Students Against Politicians and Police: UCLA to Columbia | TOME

University faculty have put their bodies and livelihoods on the line amid a brutal, violent response to student protests for Gaza.

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US Gaza protests: Police called on free speech | TOME

It turns out, many self-professed defenders of free speech care to safeguard the right to right-wing free speech alone.

Israeli Weapons Firms Must Purchase Cloud Services from Google and Amazon

Google downplays its military work with Israel, but “Project Nimbus” documents tie the American tech giants to Israel’s deadly military capabilities.

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