Sunday, September 8, 2024


Colombian Children Rescued, Relatives in Custody Dispute

The Colombian Family Welfare Institute says the four children are 'in high spirits' as relatives claim custody.

Israeli warplanes target Syrian air defense; Damascus claims successful interception of most missiles

AMMAN: Israeli warplanes targeted a Syrian air defense battery from which an anti-aircraft missile was launched toward Israel, an Israeli military spokesman said early on Sunday. The warplanes also attacked other targets in the area, while no casualties were reported from the Syrian missile, said the spokesman, Avichay Adraee. 

“Israeli Official: No Progress in Plans to Attack Iran’s Nuclear Sites”

JERUSALEM: Israel is not nearing an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser said, as talks between Tehran and Washington have sought to cool tensions. Tzachi Hanegbi said it was still unclear what will come of talks Israel’s main ally the US has held with Iran in recent weeks in an effort to outline steps that could limit Tehran’s nuclear program and de-escalate tensions. Nonetheless, no agreement would obligate Israel, which views a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential threat, Hanegbi told Channel 13 television.

France and UAE pledge to transition to clean energy, affirms French trade minister

DUBAI: French Foreign Trade Minister Olivier Becht said France and the UAE share a vision of accelerating the transition to green energy to combat the dangers of climate change, Emirates News Agency reported on Friday. Becht said the two countries are collaborating on low-carbon energy solutions and expressed confidence in the UAE’s ability to host COP28 in November.  The rest of the world also believes in the UAE’s leadership in combating climate change, he added.

Lebanon’s abstention on UN resolution regarding missing Syrians

BEIRUT: Lebanon abstained from voting on a UN resolution to establish an independent institution focused on learning the fate of around 130,000 missing or forcibly disappeared persons during the civil war in Syria. The resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly on Thursday evening, with 83 votes in favor out of 193, 11 against and 62 abstentions, including some Arab states.

Former UK Police Watchdog Chief Charged with Teenage Girl Rape

Michael Lockwood's charges include six counts of indecent assault and three offences of rape against a girl.

UNRWA’s 5th Student Parliament Workshop

AMMAN: The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East has held its fifth student parliament workshop in Amman, exploring topics such as human rights, democratic practices, leadership, communications, and advocacy.  The four-day event was attended by students from all of UNRWA’s operational areas, including the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. It allowed them to get to know each other, exchange experiences, and discuss future work plans.

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