Friday, September 20, 2024


Biden Admin Warns Texas on Border Barriers

The US Department of Justice says the barrier in Rio Grande is unlawful and could endanger the lives of immigrants.

UN expert criticizes ‘systematic’ segregation of boys in Syrian camps

GENEVA: Adolescent boys are systematically being separated from their mothers in detention camps in northeast Syria, a UN expert said Friday, warning the practice was causing irreparable harm and violated international law. Fionnuala Ni Aolain said that during a visit to the Kurdish-controlled camps, she had noted “the separation of hundreds of adolescent boys from their mothers without any legal procedure.” This appeared in particular to be happening to so-called third-country nationals, from countries other than Syria and Iraq.

Ex-Trump Lawyer Settles $1.7M Lawsuit Over Unpaid Fees

Former lawyer Michael Cohen is set to play a central role in criminal charges against Donald Trump in New York.

UN Expert Criticizes Syria’s Detention of Minors Due to Parents’ ISIL Ties

Visit to northeastern Syria by UN rapporteur finds 'cradle-to-grave detention' of children violates international law.

Iraq’s reservoirs drying up: record low water levels

BAGHDAD: Iraq’s water reserves have reached an all-time low, the ministry of water said on Friday, adding that the country was “on the verge of a large water scarcity.”  Iraq has been suffering from water scarcity for the past few years and rising global temperatures are not helping.  The country is now considered the fifth most vulnerable to the climate crisis by the UN.  According to the United Nations, 90 percent of the country’s rivers are polluted and Iraq will meet only 15 percent of its water demand by 2035. 

Putin: Polish Aggression on Belarus is an Attack on Russia

President says Russia will retaliate against any attack on ally. Poland denies having territorial ambitions in Belarus.

India, Sri Lanka enhance economic and energy relations

Sri Lankan president's visit to India signals growing ties as neighbours agree to boost cooperation in various sectors.

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