Friday, September 20, 2024


Nvidia’s Q3 Revenue Exceeds Target, Shares Surge

Forecast beat expectations by billions of dollars, a continuing boom in generative AI tech that it powers almost alone.

Wagner’s Boss Prigozhin on Crashed Plane: Key Details

Russia's Prigozhin was listed as a passenger on a private jet that crashed north of Moscow with no survivors.

World’s Reaction to India’s ‘Historic’ Moon Landing

India becomes only the fourth country to land a probe on the moon after the US, Russia and China.

“Rescue of 3-Year-Old Egyptian Girl Found Alone with Deceased Mother”

CAIRO: A 3-year-old girl was rescued by police after spending several days alone with the body of her dead mother, without food or drink, in their apartment in Hurghada, Egypt. Neighbors heard the child’s nonstop cries and when repeated attempts to communicate with the mother failed, they eventually called the police. Officers broke into the apartment and found the extremely fatigued girl next to her mother’s body, authorities said on Tuesday. It is believed the 31-year-old mother, named Iman, had died about five days earlier of natural causes.

The Future of San Francisco without Tech Workers

Changes on Market Street, once the city’s commercial heart, are leading to questions about its future.

UK’s First-Ever Womb Transplant: Sister Donates Uterus

The uterus transplant took place in a surgery that lasted more than nine hours at a hospital in Oxford.

Protests in Southern Syria Escalate as Residents Raid Ruling Party Offices and Block Roads

BEIRUT: Angry protesters raided the local offices of the ruling Baath party in a southern Syrian province Wednesday, as protests intensified against the country’s government during a severe economic and financial crisis battering the war-torn country. Opposition activists said protesters also partially blocked a highway that links the Druze-majority Sweida province to the capital Damascus in anti-government rallies that broke out Tuesday night.

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