Thursday, September 19, 2024
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National Security

Rand Paul Calls for U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Niger | TOME

The senator’s proposal would require Biden to withdraw forces from the West African nation within 30 days.

The post Rand Paul Wants U.S. Troops Out of Niger appeared first on The Intercept.

“Pentagon’s Secret Service Monitors Social Media for Negative Tweets About Generals”

An unredacted document shows the Protective Services Battalion uses sophisticated surveillance tools that can pinpoint anyone’s location.

The post Pentagon’s Secret Service Trawls Social Media for Mean Tweets About Generals appeared first on The Intercept.

“DHS Report Links Cop City Protesters to Far-Right Activist Andy Ngo”

The intelligence report described the demonstrations as a “violent far-left occupation” — a phrase copied directly from an article by Ngo a day earlier.

The post DHS Intel Report on Cop City Protesters Cribbed Far-Right Activist Andy Ngo appeared first on The Intercept.

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