Monday, September 16, 2024


“Connecticut Company Accused of Fueling Execution Spree”

Evidence points to Absolute Standards as the source of a lethal drug the Trump administration used to restart federal executions after 17 years.

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Texas Prosecutor Now Advocates for Melissa Lucio’s Release

If the courts agree to vacate the conviction, Lucio will have spent 16 years on death row for a crime that never happened.

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UAE-Funded Smear Campaign Linked to George Washington University | TOME

The smears spurred Austrian police to raid Islamophobia scholar Farid Hafez's family home. Then the terrorism charges fell apart.

The post Lawsuit Links Wild UAE-Financed Smear Campaign to George Washington University appeared first on The Intercept.

Idaho Argues Pregnant People Are Second-Class Citizens in Supreme Court

The state says EMTALA, a law barring discrimination in emergency medical care, interferes with its abortion ban.

The post Idaho Goes to the Supreme Court to Argue That Pregnant People Are Second-Class Citizens appeared first on The Intercept.

Pro-Lifers Face Real-Life Crisis

The IVF vs. embryonic personhood fracas forces Republicans to face the living people harmed by their defense of cellular rights.

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State Courts Under Siege: The Right’s Judicial Gerrymandering | TOME

On issues from abortion rights to criminal justice reforms, the war on democracy is opening new fronts on the state level.

The post How the Right Is Taking Over State Courts With Judicial Gerrymandering appeared first on The Intercept.

“Alameda County’s Reform DA Rejects Recall Narrative Linking Crime to Race”

Bankrolled by real estate investors, a multimillion-dollar recall effort against Pamela Price launched just six months after she took office.

The post “Crime Has Been a Euphemism for Race”: Alameda County’s Reform DA Rejects Recall Narrative appeared first on The Intercept.

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