Thursday, March 28, 2024

Canadian school boards sue social media giants for student impact


In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram have become an integral part of children’s lives. These apps have not only changed the way kids communicate and interact with each other but have also had a significant impact on the way they learn. Educators are now raising concerns about the addictive nature of these platforms and how they have ‘rewired’ the way children learn.

One of the main reasons why social media platforms are so addictive is their design. These apps are specifically designed to be engaging and to keep users coming back for more. Features like notifications, likes, comments, and shares all trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This constant reinforcement keeps users hooked and wanting more.

Moreover, the algorithms used by these platforms are designed to show users content that is most likely to keep them engaged. This means that children are constantly exposed to content that is tailored to their interests and preferences, making it even harder for them to put their phones down. As a result, children spend hours scrolling through their feeds, watching videos, and interacting with others on these platforms.

The addictive nature of social media has also had a significant impact on the way children learn. Instead of focusing on traditional methods of learning, such as reading books or doing homework, children are now spending more time on social media, consuming bite-sized content that is easy to digest. This has led to a decrease in attention spans and an increase in distractibility among children.

Educators are now seeing the effects of this shift in learning behavior in the classroom. Children are finding it harder to concentrate for long periods of time, are more easily distracted, and have a reduced ability to retain information. This has made teaching more challenging, as educators have to find new ways to engage students who are used to the instant gratification provided by social media.

Furthermore, social media has also changed the way children interact with each other. Instead of having face-to-face conversations or playing outside with friends, children are now communicating through screens. This has led to a decrease in social skills and an increase in feelings of loneliness and isolation among children.

Despite these concerns, social media can also have some benefits for children. It can be a valuable tool for learning, as there are many educational resources available online that can help children expand their knowledge and skills. Social media can also help children connect with others who share their interests and passions, providing a sense of community and belonging.

In conclusion, social media platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram have become an integral part of children’s lives. While these apps can be addictive and have ‘rewired’ the way children learn, they also have the potential to be valuable tools for education and connection. It is important for parents and educators to be aware of the impact of social media on children and to help them navigate these platforms in a healthy and responsible way.

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