Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden’s Gaza Response Could Be Turning Point | TOME


President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will not run for reelection in 2024, on the eve of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States.

Biden’s Unconditional Support for Israel’s War on Gaza
President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek reelection has sparked conversations about the future of U.S. policy towards Israel, particularly in light of his unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Throughout Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, Biden maintained a deferential and supportive stance, prompting mass protests against his administration.

Calls for Policy Shift
Former Biden Department of Education political appointee Tariq Habash, who resigned in protest of Biden’s policies on the Gaza war, emphasized the need for a substantive shift in policy to support Palestinian human rights, international law, and peace. Many critics had already expressed concerns about Biden’s leadership and adaptability based on his stance on Israel’s war before his announcement not to seek reelection.

Hope for Change
As the focus shifts to potential candidates to replace Biden, there is hope for a change in U.S. policy towards Israel. Air Force major Riley Livermore, who resigned due to Biden’s Gaza policies, sees this moment as an inflection point for U.S. policy on Israel’s war. The Democratic Party is urged to choose an anti-war candidate who values human rights and peace.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ Potential Role
Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as a potential candidate to lead the Democratic ticket in November. Reports suggest that Harris may diverge from Biden’s hard-line support for Israel’s campaign in Gaza. Her calls for an immediate ceasefire and emphasis on Palestinian self-determination have resonated with those hoping for a shift in U.S. policy.

Harris’ Sympathy Towards Palestinians
Harris’ willingness to address Palestinian suffering and advocate for peace has garnered support from various groups and individuals. Rev. Michael McBride and Waleed Shahid both see Harris as a more sympathetic candidate towards the Palestinian cause, potentially reinvigorating a base that has felt conflicted about supporting Biden.

Challenges Ahead
While there is optimism surrounding the possibility of Harris leading a change in U.S. policy towards Israel, challenges remain. The influence of groups like AIPAC within the Democratic Party poses a significant obstacle to shifting the party’s stance on Israel.

Looking Ahead
As the Democratic Party considers its options for the upcoming election, the spotlight is on potential candidates who can bring about a change in U.S. policy towards Israel. The decision not to seek reelection by President Joe Biden has opened up opportunities for a reset in U.S. relations with Israel and Palestine. The choice of the next candidate will be crucial in determining the future direction of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

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