Saturday, July 13, 2024

Argentina Designates Hamas as Terrorist Group in Support of Israel


Argentina Designates Hamas as a Terrorist Organization

Argentina made a significant move on Friday by designating Hamas as a terrorist organization and ordering a freeze on the financial assets of the Palestinian group. This decision, announced by President Javier Milei’s office, is seen as a symbolic step towards aligning Argentina more closely with the United States and Israel.

The decision to label Hamas as a terrorist organization was based on the group’s cross-border attack on Israel last October, which resulted in the death of 1,200 people and the hostage-taking of 250 others. This attack was described as the deadliest assault in Israel’s history. The statement also highlighted Hamas’ close ties to Iran, which Argentina holds responsible for two deadly militant attacks on Jewish sites in the country.

One of the attacks mentioned was the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, which claimed the lives of 85 people and injured hundreds more. The other attack targeted the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, resulting in the deaths of more than 20 people. Argentina’s judiciary has attributed these attacks to members of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group.

President Milei’s office emphasized his commitment to recognizing terrorists for what they are, stating that it is the first time there is a political will to do so in Argentina. The United States, European Union, and several other countries have long designated Hamas as a terrorist organization due to its activities.

Argentina, home to the largest Jewish community in Latin America, has historically maintained friendly ties with Israel while also expressing support for Palestinian statehood. However, since taking office in December, President Milei has distinguished himself by openly supporting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This stance has set him apart from even Israel’s closest allies, especially amidst global pressure over Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

President Milei’s visit to Jerusalem earlier this year for his first state visit demonstrated his strong support for the Israeli government. He even pledged to relocate Argentina’s embassy to the contested capital, drawing both praise from Netanyahu and criticism from Hamas. Despite being raised as a Roman Catholic, Milei has expressed a deep spiritual connection with Judaism.

In conclusion, Argentina’s decision to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization reflects President Milei’s efforts to align the country with Western civilization and strengthen ties with Israel. This move underscores Argentina’s stance against terrorism and its support for peace and stability in the region.

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