Friday, October 27, 2023

Arab League Concerned About Gaza Humanitarian Crisis Under Israeli Occupation | TOME


Arab League Highlights Efforts to Support Palestinians Amid Gaza Crisis

The Arab League, in collaboration with the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization, held a joint press conference in Cairo to address the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. The Arab League Assistant Secretary-General, Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, emphasized the region’s efforts to provide immediate support to the Palestinian people and mitigate the consequences of Israel’s intensifying military operations.

Gaza has been severely impacted by the ongoing conflict, with children, women, and the elderly comprising 70 percent of the casualties. The number of internally displaced individuals in the besieged enclave is estimated at 1 million, with 513,000 seeking refuge in UNRWA facilities.

The World Health Organization has documented numerous attacks on healthcare personnel and facilities in Gaza. Healthcare workers have lost their lives, and many others have sustained injuries. Ambulances have been rendered inoperative, and clinics have been forced to cease their operations entirely.

Abu Ghazaleh highlighted the importance of continuous communication with the Palestinian Ministry of Health to identify urgent requirements and bolster the Gaza healthcare sector. The Council of Arab Ministers for Health is also collaborating with the Egyptian Red Crescent to deliver urgent humanitarian aid to the enclave.

Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri, secretary-general of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization, emphasized the organization’s role in monitoring Israel’s breaches of humanitarian law and presenting them at international forums. Al-Tuwaijri urged the international community to put a halt to Israel’s “war crimes” in Gaza, where 2.5 million people are at risk of dying due to bombardment and blockade.

The joint press conference shed light on the urgent need for immediate action to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. The Arab League’s efforts, in partnership with humanitarian organizations, aim to provide crucial support and address the pressing challenges faced by the Palestinian people.

The international community must recognize the gravity of the situation and take decisive steps to end the violence and ensure the protection of innocent lives. The attacks on healthcare personnel and facilities are not only a violation of international law but also hinder the provision of essential medical services to those in need.

In addition to providing immediate support, it is crucial to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards a sustainable solution. The Arab League’s continuous communication with the Palestinian Ministry of Health and collaboration with other organizations demonstrate a commitment to long-term improvements in the healthcare sector in Gaza.

The international community, including governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals, must come together to provide the necessary resources and support to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. This includes financial aid, medical supplies, and diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the violence and ensure the protection of civilians.

As the crisis in Gaza continues to unfold, it is essential to maintain international pressure on Israel to abide by international law and respect the rights of Palestinians. The Arab League’s efforts to monitor and document Israel’s breaches of humanitarian law play a crucial role in holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the joint press conference organized by the Arab League, in partnership with the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization, highlighted the urgent need for immediate support to mitigate the consequences of Israel’s military operations in Gaza. The region’s efforts, coupled with international assistance, are crucial in addressing the dire humanitarian crisis and ensuring the well-being of Palestinians in Gaza. It is imperative for the international community to take decisive action and work towards a sustainable solution that brings an end to the violence and provides long-term improvements in the healthcare sector.

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