Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Amnesty Condemns Eastern Libya’s Crackdown on Critics


Libya’s eastern-based forces have been accused of enabling a crackdown on dissidents and a surge in arbitrary detentions, resulting in at least two deaths in custody, according to Amnesty International. The country has been plagued by unrest since the overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi in 2011. With a UN-recognized government in the capital Tripoli and a rival administration in the east backed by military strongman Khalifa Haftar, Libya remains divided.

Amnesty International’s report highlights the role of the eastern-based Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF) in intensifying the Internal Security Agency’s (ISA) crackdown on critics and political opponents. The rights group reveals that numerous individuals, including elderly men and women, have been subjected to arbitrary detentions since the beginning of the year. Some have been held for months without any contact with their families or legal representation. The report also mentions cases of enforced disappearances lasting up to 10 months.

Amnesty International states that all those arrested have been kept in ISA-controlled facilities without being brought before civilian judicial authorities or given the opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention. None of the detainees have been formally charged with any offenses. Shockingly, at least two people have died while in custody. The report emphasizes that the spike in arbitrary detentions and deaths in custody reflects the prevailing culture of impunity, which empowers armed groups to violate detainees’ right to life without fearing any consequences.

The report further condemns the ISA’s actions, describing them as part of a pattern of horrors committed against those who dare to express views critical of the LAAF. Amnesty International calls on the LAAF to suspend ISA commanders and members who are reasonably suspected of crimes under international law and serious human rights violations. The group also urges authorities across Libya, including in the western region, to immediately release all those who have been arbitrarily detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

The situation in Libya is deeply concerning, with human rights abuses and violations becoming increasingly prevalent. The international community must take action to address these issues and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The LAAF and other armed groups must be held to the same standards as any other governing authority, and the rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their political beliefs, must be respected.

Libya’s future stability and prosperity depend on the establishment of a unified and inclusive government that upholds the rule of law and respects human rights. The ongoing divisions and power struggles within the country only serve to perpetuate violence and undermine the prospects for peace and development.

It is crucial for the international community to support efforts towards a peaceful resolution in Libya and to provide assistance to those affected by the ongoing conflict. The people of Libya deserve a future free from fear and oppression, where their rights and dignity are protected. Only through concerted international action can this vision become a reality.

In conclusion, Amnesty International’s report sheds light on the alarming situation in Libya, particularly in the eastern region. The LAAF’s enabling of the ISA’s crackdown on dissidents and arbitrary detentions is a grave violation of human rights. Urgent action is needed to address these abuses and ensure the release of all those who have been arbitrarily detained. The international community must work together to support a peaceful resolution in Libya and hold those responsible for human rights violations accountable.

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