Friday, May 3, 2024

AIPAC Intervening in Portland Congressional Race Against Susheela Jayapal, Sources Say


In April, a super PAC ostensibly committed to supporting “pro-science” candidates began dropping eye-popping sums of money on a Portland, Oregon, congressional race. 314 Action Fund, which is not known for spending big in congressional primaries, has spent $1.7 million in support of a single candidate in the 3rd Congressional District’s open Democratic primary, according to federal filings.

Supporting Maxine Dexter
314 Action Fund describes itself as helping to elect “Democrats with a background in science to public office,” and is throwing its weight behind Maxine Dexter, a state representative and local doctor. The sudden influx of money in support of Dexter has raised eyebrows, especially since former Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal was considered the candidate to beat before the spending blitz.

AIPAC’s Involvement
The Intercept revealed that Susheela Jayapal is being targeted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is secretly funneling money into the race through 314 Action. AIPAC’s interest in the race stems from concerns about Jayapal’s politics on Israel-Palestine aligning with her sister’s, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who called for a ceasefire early in the conflict in Gaza.

Last-Minute Spending
The last-minute spending in the race has reached unprecedented levels, with a new super PAC entering the fray with nearly $1 million worth of negative ads against Jayapal. The involvement of undisclosed donors and the delay in revealing their identities until after the election has raised questions about transparency and campaign finance laws.

Challenges Faced by Candidates
Jayapal and another candidate, Eddy Morales, have called for transparency and urged Dexter and 314 Action to disclose the identity of their donors. Dexter’s campaign has faced criticism for lack of transparency and alleged involvement with dark money groups. Organizations supportive of Palestinian rights have tried to extract more information from Dexter on her positions regarding the conflict but have faced challenges in getting responses.

AIPAC’s History of Involvement
AIPAC has a history of intervening in political races to influence outcomes, as seen in Manhattan during the 2022 cycle. The use of super PACs to obscure donors’ true agendas raises concerns about transparency and accountability in the electoral process.

Implications for the Race
With just days left before the election, the involvement of AIPAC and other undisclosed donors has cast a shadow over the congressional race in Portland. The use of negative ads and undisclosed funding sources has complicated the campaign landscape and raised questions about outside influence on local elections.

In conclusion, the influx of money from undisclosed donors and the involvement of AIPAC in the Portland congressional race has highlighted issues of transparency and accountability in campaign finance. The use of super PACs to obscure donor identities and fund negative ads against candidates raises concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. As voters head to the polls, the impact of outside influence on local elections remains a significant issue that warrants further scrutiny.

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