Sunday, October 29, 2023

29 MT of Relief Supplies Delivered to Flood-Stricken Libya | TOME


The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent a second shipment of health supplies to Libya to aid in the recovery efforts following the devastating floods caused by Storm Daniel. The shipment, weighing 29 metric tons, arrived in the eastern city of Derna on Saturday and is expected to benefit over 250,000 people.

The unprecedented flooding in Derna was exacerbated by the collapse of two dams, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people and leaving more than 9,000 missing. WHO’s representative in Libya, Dr. Ahmed Zouiten, described the situation as a “disaster of epic proportions” and emphasized the organization’s commitment to providing support to restore health services for the affected population.

The health agency’s teams are collaborating with the Libyan Ministry of Health to track and identify the deceased and missing individuals. So far, the bodies of 3,958 people have been recovered and identified, and search and rescue operations are ongoing.

The latest shipment from WHO will help replenish supplies in more than half of the health facilities in the affected areas. Many of these facilities lack sufficient medicine and equipment to function properly. The supplies will be distributed to hospitals and primary health care centers, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to provide medical assistance to those in need.

This is the second shipment made by WHO to Libya. On Thursday, WHO’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced that $2 million would be released from the organization’s emergency contingency fund to support the response efforts. Tedros emphasized the urgency of addressing the health needs of the survivors, stating that even as the death toll rises, the health needs become more pressing.

In addition to the supplies sent from WHO’s Global Logistics Hub in Dubai, the organization is also deploying contingency supplies already present in Libya. Trauma, surgical, and emergency supplies are being sent to assist in the immediate medical response.

The arrival of these health supplies is a significant step towards restoring health services in the affected areas. The support provided by WHO will help alleviate the strain on health facilities and ensure that they can continue to provide essential medical care to the affected population.

The international community has rallied together to support Libya in its recovery efforts. The provision of health supplies is just one aspect of the broader humanitarian response. Efforts are also underway to provide clean water, food, shelter, and other essential services to those affected by the floods.

As the recovery process continues, it is crucial for organizations like WHO to work closely with local authorities and communities to address the long-term health needs of the population. This includes rebuilding damaged health infrastructure, providing ongoing medical support, and implementing measures to prevent future disasters.

The devastating floods in Libya serve as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and resilience in the face of natural disasters. It is essential for governments and organizations to invest in disaster risk reduction strategies, early warning systems, and emergency response capabilities to minimize the impact of such events.

In the midst of this tragedy, the arrival of WHO’s health supplies brings hope and relief to the affected population. The organization’s commitment to supporting Libya in its recovery efforts is commendable, and it is crucial for the international community to continue providing assistance and resources to ensure a swift and effective response.

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