Friday, October 27, 2023

22 killed in clashes in Kurdish-held east Syria: monitor


Title: Clashes in Northeastern Syria Leave 22 Dead, Including Civilians


Clashes between US-backed fighters and an affiliated group in northeastern Syria have resulted in the deaths of 22 individuals, including three civilians. The violence erupted after the arrest of the leader of the Deir Ezzor Military Council, Ahmad Al-Khabil, also known as Abu Khawla. This article will provide an overview of the clashes, the background of the involved parties, and the potential impact on the region.

The Clashes and Casualties

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 16 local fighters and three members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed during the clashes in several villages in Deir Ezzor province. Additionally, three civilians, including two children, lost their lives in the violence. The exact charges against Abu Khawla remain unclear, but he was known to be involved in smuggling and had amassed significant wealth over the years.

Background of the Involved Parties

The US-backed SDF played a crucial role in driving out Daesh (ISIS) from Syria in 2019. The Kurdish-led SDF is responsible for security in parts of Arab-majority Deir Ezzor province. The Deir Ezzor Military Council, an affiliated group with the SDF, is led by Abu Khawla. The Kurds administer the area through local civilian and military councils to address any potential Arab discontent.

Reasons Behind the Clashes

The arrest of Abu Khawla sparked tensions that escalated into clashes after gunmen attacked SDF positions. Activists suggest that corrupt commanders felt threatened by his arrest and attempted to turn it into a tribal and Arab issue to protect themselves. Omar Abu Layla, an activist heading the DeirEzzor24 media platform, warned that this unrest could have a negative impact on the region.

SDF’s Response and Operation

The SDF has not officially commented on the clashes but stated that it launched an operation to bolster security against Daesh and individuals involved in drug trafficking and arms smuggling. The operation aims to arrest those engaged in criminal activities. The areas where the clashes occurred are along a known smuggling route, according to an anonymous SDF source.

Potential Impact on the Region

The ongoing clashes and tensions within the Kurdish-held northeastern region of Syria could have wider implications. The settling of scores between rival factions may lead to further violence and instability. It is crucial for the SDF and affiliated groups to address internal disputes and maintain unity to effectively combat any potential resurgence of terrorist groups like Daesh.


The clashes in northeastern Syria between US-backed fighters and an affiliated group have claimed the lives of 22 individuals, including civilians. The arrest of Abu Khawla, the leader of the Deir Ezzor Military Council, sparked tensions that escalated into violence. The SDF has launched an operation to bolster security against Daesh and criminal elements involved in drug trafficking and arms smuggling. The ongoing unrest highlights the need for unity among the Kurdish-led forces to ensure stability in the region and prevent any resurgence of terrorist groups.

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