Wednesday, May 1, 2024

15 Years Covering Violent Crackdowns on Protests: Unhinged Police Overreaction | TOME


Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Met with Police Brutality in NYC

A lone trash can lay on its side at the intersection of W. 139th St and Amsterdam Ave in Harlem, in front of the gates of the City College of New York. This was the scene outside the college campus on a Tuesday night, where New York Police Department officers in riot gear had gathered in large numbers, including members of the Strategic Response Group, a unit dedicated to public unrest and counterterrorism.

The police had stormed through the school’s gates at the request of the college president to arrest protesting students en masse. A similar crackdown was witnessed at Columbia University, where police locked down streets and brutally arrested students inside the campus. Over 200 protesters, mostly students, were arrested between the two campuses that night.

The police response mirrored the repression seen during the 2020 George Floyd uprisings, where extraordinary violence was used against mass protests. However, this time, the police operation targeted peaceful student encampments demanding their universities divest from Israel.

At Columbia University, students took over Hamilton Hall, a building seized by students in 1968 during the Vietnam War protests. The recent occupation saw minimal property damage, yet police responded with disproportionate force.

The crackdown on campuses invoked the “outside agitator” myth, with officials using it as an excuse to quash resistance. Mayor Eric Adams and Deputy Police Commissioner Tarik Sheppard alleged outside interference in student protests, justifying the heavy-handed police response.

The “outside agitator” trope has a racist history, used by groups like the Ku Klux Klan to undermine protest movements. In recent times, it has been deployed against various movements, including the Stop Cop City protests in Atlanta and the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Ferguson.

Blaming outside agitators diverts attention from the genuine grievances of protesters. In reality, the Gaza solidarity encampments on campuses were organized and led by students, including Palestinian and Jewish students. The crackdown on these peaceful protests is an authoritarian escalation aimed at silencing dissent.

The crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstrations reflects a broader trend of authoritarianism in America. Far-right attacks on education, white supremacist policing, and bipartisan support for repression are creating a dangerous environment for dissent. The charge of antisemitism is cynically used to suppress anti-Zionist speech and justify authoritarian abuses.

The recent police crackdowns in NYC are part of a broader effort to stifle dissent and maintain oppressive power structures. As young people stand with Palestine and demand justice, they face increasing repression from authorities. The use of excessive force against peaceful protesters is a sign of desperation from those in power.

In conclusion, the violent crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstrations in NYC highlights the need to protect free speech and peaceful protest. The disproportionate use of force by authorities against students demanding justice for Palestine is a troubling escalation of authoritarian tactics. It is essential to stand in solidarity with those fighting for justice and against oppression.

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