Thursday, July 4, 2024

Women and children trapped at church in Sudan’s capital endure hunger and bombardment


The Dar Mariam Mission: A Sanctuary Amidst Sudan’s War

Trapped in the midst of a war-torn Khartoum, Father Jacob Thelekkadan finds himself in a dire situation at the Dar Mariam mission. The mission, a Catholic church and school compound in Al-SHajjara district, has become a shelter for around 80 people, mostly women and children, seeking refuge from the ongoing conflict between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The harrowing conditions at the mission are evident – the main building’s roof has been damaged by shells, parts of the nuns’ quarters have been set ablaze, and stray bullets have left their mark on the mission’s walls. As food supplies dwindle, the inhabitants have resorted to boiling tree leaves for sustenance, with many adults skipping meals to ensure the children have enough to eat.

A failed Red Cross rescue attempt in December resulted in casualties, further highlighting the dangers faced by those seeking safety at the mission. Despite offers from the army to evacuate them across the river permanently, Father Thelekkadan and the nuns have chosen to stay with the families until it is safe for everyone to leave together.

The conflict that erupted in April last year has engulfed Khartoum and its surrounding areas, displacing many residents who were unable to flee. The RSF’s occupation of strategic sites and neighborhoods in Khartoum led to heavy artillery and air strikes by the army, creating a volatile and dangerous environment for civilians.

The Dar Mariam mission has become a beacon of hope for those who could not afford to leave or had nowhere else to go. Photos shared by Father Thelekkadan depict a scene of destruction – debris litters the buildings, walls are riddled with bullet holes, and rooms are blackened by smoke.

The hunger crisis in Sudan has exacerbated the already dire situation at the mission, with reports of extreme hunger spreading across conflict-affected areas. The lack of access to food and essential supplies has left many vulnerable populations at risk of famine.

Despite the challenges faced at the mission, Father Thelekkadan and the nuns have shown resilience and compassion towards those seeking shelter. They have transformed their most secure room into a safe space for children, providing activities to distract them from the violence outside.

Efforts to evacuate the families have been hindered by ongoing fighting and logistical challenges. The mission’s residents continue to live in fear as bombardments and sniper fire threaten their safety on a daily basis.

As the conflict shows no signs of abating, the plight of those at the Dar Mariam mission remains uncertain. Father Thelekkadan’s plea for prayers reflects the desperation and resilience of those trapped in the crossfire of Sudan’s war.

In the face of adversity, the Dar Mariam mission stands as a symbol of hope and resilience amidst chaos and destruction. The courage and determination of Father Thelekkadan, the nuns, and the residents serve as a reminder of the human spirit’s capacity to endure even in the darkest of times.

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