Tuesday, May 28, 2024

UN’s Palestine Aid Agency and Jordan’s Foreign Minister Discuss Funding Crisis


Jordan and UNRWA Discuss Funding Crisis for Palestinian Refugees

AMMAN: Ayman Safadi, Jordan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), met on Thursday to address the funding crisis facing the agency. The meeting aimed to devise targeted strategies to secure regional and international financial support for UNRWA and bridge the gap in its finances. This financial support is crucial for the agency to continue providing vital assistance to over 5.7 million Palestinian refugees across its five operational areas.

Collaboration and Coordination for Financial Support

During the meeting, Minister Safadi emphasized Jordan’s commitment to collaborating and coordinating with regional and international partners to mobilize efforts in securing the necessary funding for UNRWA. He stressed the importance of global community support until a resolution is reached for the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution. Safadi described this solution as the only way to achieve a just and comprehensive peace.

Diversifying Sources of Finance

Both Safadi and Lazzarini highlighted the significance of diversifying UNRWA’s sources of finance within a framework of burden-sharing. They urged donors to make multi-year pledges and follow through on them. This approach would provide stability and predictability in funding, allowing UNRWA to effectively plan and deliver its humanitarian work.

Ministerial Meeting to Raise Awareness and Mobilize Support

The officials also discussed preparations for a ministerial meeting that will be hosted by Jordan and Sweden on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in September. The primary objective of this meeting is to raise awareness about UNRWA’s crucial role and mobilize support for its work. By bringing together key stakeholders, Jordan and Sweden aim to garner increased international support for the agency.

Jordan’s Efforts Recognized

Lazzarini praised Jordan for its tireless efforts in enhancing international support for UNRWA and its role in bridging the current funding gap. As the host country for over 2 million registered Palestinian refugees, Jordan plays a vital role in advocating for their rights and well-being.

The Importance of UNRWA’s Work

UNRWA provides essential services to Palestinian refugees, including education, healthcare, and social services. Its work is crucial in ensuring the basic needs and rights of Palestinian refugees are met. The agency operates in five areas, including Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. However, UNRWA has been facing a funding crisis in recent years, jeopardizing its ability to continue providing these vital services.

The Impact of the Funding Crisis

The funding crisis has severe implications for Palestinian refugees who heavily rely on UNRWA’s assistance. Without adequate financial support, the agency’s ability to provide education, healthcare, and other essential services will be severely compromised. This could lead to a deterioration in living conditions and exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation faced by Palestinian refugees.

The Urgent Need for Financial Support

To ensure the continuity of UNRWA’s humanitarian work, it is imperative for the global community to step up and provide the necessary financial support. By making multi-year pledges and fulfilling them, donors can contribute to the stability and effectiveness of UNRWA’s operations. This support is not only crucial for meeting the immediate needs of Palestinian refugees but also for creating an environment that fosters long-term development and self-sufficiency.

Looking Ahead

As preparations for the ministerial meeting continue, Jordan and Sweden are determined to raise awareness about UNRWA’s critical role and garner increased support. The meeting will provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to come together and discuss strategies for addressing the funding crisis. It is hoped that through collective efforts and sustained financial support, UNRWA can continue its vital work until a just and comprehensive resolution is achieved for the Palestinian issue.

In conclusion, the meeting between Jordan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Commissioner-General of UNRWA highlights the urgent need for financial support to address the funding crisis facing the agency. By diversifying sources of finance, making multi-year pledges, and following through on them, the global community can ensure the continuity of UNRWA’s essential services for Palestinian refugees. The upcoming ministerial meeting hosted by Jordan and Sweden will serve as a platform to raise awareness and mobilize support for UNRWA’s work. With increased international support, UNRWA can continue to provide vital assistance to Palestinian refugees until a lasting resolution is achieved.

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