Saturday, October 28, 2023

UNRWA’s 5th Student Parliament Workshop


Title: UNRWA Empowers Palestinian Refugee Students Through Student Parliament Workshop


The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) recently organized its fifth student parliament workshop in Amman. The four-day event brought together students from UNRWA’s operational areas, including the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The workshop aimed to foster discussions on human rights, democratic practices, leadership, communications, and advocacy. This article explores the significance of the workshop and highlights the role of student parliaments in promoting a culture of respect and tolerance.

Building a Culture of Human Rights and Democracy

Dr. Julia Dicum, UNRWA’s education director, welcomed the participants and commended them for their crucial role in establishing a culture of human rights, democracy, respect, and tolerance. She emphasized the importance of articulating students’ interests, successes, and concerns. By empowering students to engage in these discussions, UNRWA aims to create an environment that promotes inclusivity and democratic values.

Sharing Experiences and Future Work Plans

During the workshop, students had the opportunity to interact with their peers from different regions and exchange experiences. This cross-cultural exchange allowed them to gain insights into the challenges faced by Palestinian refugees in various areas. Additionally, the students discussed future work plans, focusing on how they can contribute to their communities and advocate for positive change. By encouraging collaboration and dialogue, UNRWA aims to empower these young leaders to make a difference in their respective regions.

Recognition of Student Achievements

Leen Sharqawi, a student parliamentarian at UNRWA, shared her experience of speaking at the organization’s pledging conference in New York. Her intervention highlighted the importance of student voices in advocating for the rights and well-being of Palestinian refugees. Jessica Pfleiderer, program officer at the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, expressed the bureau’s delight at the students’ successes. This recognition reinforces the significance of student parliaments and their ability to effect positive change.

Focus on Life Skills and Well-being

The workshop also emphasized the importance of life skills and well-being activities for students. By equipping them with essential skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking, UNRWA aims to prepare these young leaders for future challenges. The students agreed on action plans that will guide their activities over the coming year, ensuring a focus on personal growth and community development.

Encouragement from UNRWA Leadership

Leni Stenseth, UNRWA’s deputy commissioner-general, addressed the students and encouraged them to campaign, represent others, and promote change. She expressed gratitude for their commitment to representing their fellow students and improving their leadership skills. Stenseth emphasized that UNRWA is proud of their efforts and recognizes the impact they can have on their communities.

The Impact of Student Parliaments

UNRWA initiated student parliaments in its schools in 2001 as part of its human rights education program. These parliaments play a vital role in promoting a culture of respect and tolerance within schools and the wider community. By empowering students to engage in democratic practices and advocate for human rights, UNRWA aims to create a generation of leaders who can drive positive change.


The recent student parliament workshop organized by UNRWA provided Palestinian refugee students with a platform to discuss important issues such as human rights, democratic practices, leadership, communications, and advocacy. Through cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, these young leaders gained valuable insights and developed action plans to make a difference in their communities. UNRWA’s commitment to empowering students through student parliaments highlights the organization’s dedication to promoting a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusivity among Palestinian refugees.

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