Monday, June 24, 2024

UNRWA chief urges resistance to disbanding Palestinian agency


The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) is facing a critical moment as Israel seeks to disband the organization. UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini has called on partners to push back against these efforts and protect the vital humanitarian assistance provided by the agency to Gaza and beyond.

Israel has long been critical of UNRWA’s mandate, but now it is actively working to end the agency’s operations. Lazzarini emphasized that UNRWA is a United Nations entity supported by an overwhelming majority of member states and that allowing Israel to dismantle it could set a dangerous precedent for other international organizations.

The agency has been under intense scrutiny and attack, particularly in Gaza where it has been providing essential aid during Israel’s offensive. Tragically, 193 UNRWA personnel have lost their lives, and more than 180 installations have been damaged or destroyed. The agency’s premises have even been used for military purposes by various parties involved in the conflict.

Lazzarini highlighted the concerted effort to dismantle UNRWA, including legislative initiatives aimed at evicting the agency from its compound and labeling it as a terrorist organization. Despite challenges and funding setbacks, most donors have resumed their support for UNRWA following accusations by Israel that some staff members were involved in a Hamas attack.

However, the agency still lacks the necessary resources to fully carry out its mandate. Lazzarini stressed that UNRWA’s ability to continue operating beyond August will depend on member states disbursing planned funds and providing new contributions to the core budget.

Established in 1949 after the first Arab-Israeli war, UNRWA plays a crucial role in providing services such as schooling, primary health care, and humanitarian aid in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The agency’s work is essential for millions of Palestinian refugees who rely on its support for their basic needs and rights.

It is imperative for the international community to stand up against efforts to dismantle UNRWA and ensure that humanitarian assistance continues to reach those who need it most. By supporting UNRWA, countries can uphold the principles of multilateralism and protect the rights of vulnerable populations in conflict-affected regions.

In conclusion, the challenges facing UNRWA underscore the importance of maintaining strong international solidarity and support for organizations that provide critical assistance in times of crisis. As efforts to disband UNRWA continue, it is crucial for partners to unite in defense of humanitarian principles and ensure that essential aid reaches those who need it most.

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