Tuesday, May 28, 2024

UN warns of disease threat in flood-hit Libyan city


Derna Faces Threat of Disease Outbreaks Following Devastating Flood

The city of Derna in Libya is facing the risk of disease outbreaks following a massive flash flood that has left thousands dead and missing. The United Nations (UN) agencies have warned that the lack of clean water, food, and basic supplies could lead to a second devastating crisis in the area.

The flash flood, which occurred on September 10, was triggered by the hurricane-strength Storm Daniel. The war-scarred North African country was already grappling with the effects of the ongoing conflict, making the situation even more dire for the residents of Derna.

According to reports, over 3,000 people have lost their lives in the flood, and an estimated 30,000 residents are now homeless. The UN agencies are particularly concerned about the potential outbreak of cholera, diarrhea, dehydration, and malnutrition among the traumatized population.

In response to the crisis, teams from nine UN agencies have been on the ground in Derna, delivering aid and support to those affected by the storm and flooding. However, local officials, aid agencies, and the UN World Health Organization (WHO) are worried about the risk of disease outbreak due to contaminated water and the lack of sanitation facilities.

The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has been working tirelessly to prevent diseases from taking hold and causing further devastation in the area. The organization has emphasized the urgent need for clean water, food, and basic supplies to ensure the well-being of the affected population.

The UNICEF teams have already delivered medical kits to primary care services, which are expected to support 15,000 people for three months. The UNHCR has also distributed essential supplies such as blankets, tarpaulins, and kitchen equipment to 6,200 displaced families in Derna and Benghazi.

Additionally, the World Food Programme has provided food rations to over 5,000 households, while the WHO has shipped 28 tons of medical supplies to the affected area. The WHO has also donated ambulances and medical kits to support the emergency response efforts.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, the United Nations launched an aid appeal for more than $71 million to support the emergency response in Derna and other parts of eastern Libya. The funds will be used to provide immediate relief, including clean water, food, shelter, and healthcare services.

The UN agencies are working tirelessly to address the immediate needs of the affected population and prevent the outbreak of diseases. However, the situation remains critical, and more support is needed to ensure the well-being and safety of the residents of Derna.

In conclusion, the city of Derna in Libya is facing the threat of disease outbreaks following a devastating flash flood. The lack of clean water, food, and basic supplies poses a significant risk to the traumatized population. The UN agencies are working diligently to provide aid and support to those affected, but more assistance is needed to prevent a second devastating crisis in the area. Urgent action is required to ensure the well-being and safety of the residents of Derna.

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