Monday, December 11, 2023

UN peacekeeping mission in Mali ends after 10 years


Title: The Evolution of Mali’s Military Mission: A Look at the Recent Developments


Mali, a landlocked country in West Africa, has been grappling with political instability and security challenges for years. In an effort to restore peace and stability, a decade-old military mission was established. However, recent developments have led to significant changes in the mission’s composition and objectives. This article delves into the evolution of Mali’s military mission and the implications it holds for the country’s future.

1. The Establishment of the Military Mission:

In response to the growing threat of terrorism and armed insurgencies in Mali, the United Nations Security Council authorized the deployment of a peacekeeping mission known as the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in April 2013. The mission’s primary objective was to support the stabilization of Mali, protect civilians, and facilitate political processes.

2. The Demand for Departure:

In June 2020, Mali’s military government, which had seized power earlier that year, demanded the departure of MINUSMA. The government argued that the mission had failed to effectively address the security challenges and accused it of interfering in the country’s internal affairs. This demand raised concerns about the future of the mission and its impact on Mali’s stability.

3. The Transition to a Counterterrorism Focus:

Following the demand for departure, discussions were held to redefine MINUSMA’s role and objectives. Recognizing the evolving security landscape in Mali, there was a shift towards a more counterterrorism-focused approach. The mission’s mandate was revised to prioritize combating terrorism and supporting the Malian security forces in their efforts to restore peace.

4. The Creation of the Special Forces Task Force:

To enhance its counterterrorism capabilities, MINUSMA established a Special Forces Task Force (SFTF) in December 2020. The SFTF comprises highly trained troops from various contributing countries, equipped with advanced weaponry and intelligence capabilities. This specialized unit aims to conduct targeted operations against terrorist groups and provide support to the Malian forces.

5. Strengthening Regional Cooperation:

Recognizing the transnational nature of terrorism, efforts have been made to strengthen regional cooperation in the fight against extremism. The G5 Sahel Joint Force, consisting of troops from Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger, has been working closely with MINUSMA to address security challenges in the region. This collaboration aims to enhance intelligence sharing, border control, and joint military operations.

6. The Role of MINUSMA in Peacebuilding:

While the focus has shifted towards counterterrorism, peacebuilding remains an integral part of MINUSMA’s mandate. The mission continues to support the implementation of the 2015 Peace Agreement between the Malian government and armed groups. Efforts are being made to promote dialogue, reconciliation, and the reintegration of former combatants into society.

7. Challenges and the Way Forward:

Despite the revised mandate and the establishment of the Special Forces Task Force, Mali continues to face numerous challenges in its quest for stability. The presence of armed extremist groups, intercommunal violence, and weak governance structures pose significant obstacles. It is crucial for MINUSMA to work in close coordination with the Malian government and regional partners to address these challenges effectively.


The evolution of Mali’s military mission reflects the changing dynamics of security threats in the country. While the demand for departure raised concerns, the transition towards a counterterrorism focus and the establishment of the Special Forces Task Force demonstrate a commitment to addressing the root causes of instability. By strengthening regional cooperation and continuing peacebuilding efforts, MINUSMA aims to contribute to a more secure and prosperous Mali. However, sustained efforts are required from all stakeholders to overcome the remaining challenges and pave the way for lasting peace in the region.

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