Friday, August 9, 2024

UN agency accuses Cyprus govt of pushing asylum seekers into UN buffer zone


UN Accuses Cyprus of Forcing Migrants Back into Buffer Zone

The United Nations refugee agency has accused the government authorities in Cyprus of rounding up dozens of migrants and forcing them back into a UN-controlled buffer zone. The migrants had crossed the buffer zone to seek asylum in the European Union member country.

According to the UNHCR, as many as 99 asylum seekers were “pushed back” into the buffer zone between mid-May and August 8. Of these, 76 individuals from countries including Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Bangladesh, Sudan, Iraq, and Gaza remain stranded in two locations within the buffer zone.

Despite the UN providing the asylum seekers with essential supplies such as food rations, tents, blankets, toilets, and washing facilities, their living conditions remain dire. Exposed to extreme heat, dust, and humidity, their physical and psychological well-being is deteriorating. Among the stranded migrants are survivors of gender-based violence and trafficking, as well as individuals suffering from serious illnesses such as cancer, asthma, and mental health issues.

The UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus has called for an immediate end to the “pushbacks” and for Cypriot authorities to fulfill their obligations under international and EU law. The asylum seekers, who found their way into government-controlled areas, were intercepted by the Cyprus Police and forcibly dumped into the buffer zone after having their passports and mobile phones confiscated.

The Cyprus government has taken a tough stance on migrant crossings along the buffer zone, emphasizing that it will not allow it to become a gateway for illegal migration. Deputy Minister for Migration Nicholas Ioannides stated that the government is in talks with the UNHCR to resolve the issue and avoid any conflict with the UN.

The buffer zone itself presents complications, as it is not a formal border. Cypriot authorities argue that the UN is mistaken in referring to “pushbacks” that specifically pertain to expulsions at recognized sea or land borders. According to the Cypriot Ministry, migrants crossing the buffer zone arrive from Turkey, which is considered a safe country, and then cross southward along remote stretches of the porous buffer zone where there are no physical barriers preventing crossings.

Cypriot police and other authorities are lawfully empowered to conduct effective surveillance of the buffer zone to combat illegal migration. The ministry emphasizes that the government’s principled stance aims to avoid turning the buffer zone into a route for irregular migration while still offering humanitarian assistance to stranded migrants.

Human rights lawyer Nicoletta Charalambidou is contesting the Cypriot government’s claim that it is acting in line with international and EU law. She has launched legal action on behalf of 46 stranded migrants to compel Cypriot authorities to allow them to submit asylum applications. Charalambidou argues that the government has an obligation to allow these individuals to file asylum claims and that each application should be assessed individually to determine if conditions of safety exist in Turkey for each applicant.

The situation in Cyprus highlights the ongoing challenges faced by migrants seeking asylum and the complexities of managing migration flows. As the UN and Cypriot authorities continue to engage in discussions, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being and rights of the stranded migrants, ensuring that their humanitarian needs are met and their asylum claims are processed in a fair and timely manner.

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