Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tiaret region in Algeria faces renewed protests over water shortage


Protests Erupt in Algeria Over Severe Water Shortages

Protesters in Algeria’s northern Tiaret region took to the streets for the second day in a row to demonstrate against severe shortages of drinking water. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had promised to address the issue by the start of the Eid Al-Adha holiday, but residents were left frustrated as the problem persisted.

Demonstrations erupted in Tiaret, southwest of the capital Algiers, with roads being blocked and images shared on social media showing improvised barricades preventing access to neighboring towns. Despite the visible unrest, official and private domestic media remained silent on the protests, leaving social media as the main platform for residents to voice their grievances.

Residents expressed their frustration online, with one user posting on the Algerian water company’s page, “Your promises to the residents of Tiaret have been in vain. From the first day of Eid, many areas have been without water.” The lack of access to clean drinking water has been an ongoing issue in the region, with tributaries drying up since May and the Bakhedda dam running dry.

In Rahouia, located 40 kilometers away from Tiaret, citizens gathered to block the local district chief from leaving his headquarters until he addressed their concerns. This display of frustration highlights the severity of the water shortage crisis and the impact it has had on the daily lives of residents.

Protests first broke out in Tiaret in June, with demonstrators resorting to burning tires and blocking roads to draw attention to their plight. President Tebboune, facing pressure ahead of early elections in September, called for urgent action to be taken to resolve the water shortages. Despite efforts to supply water from wells connected to the network in central Tiaret, many parts of the region remained without access to clean water.

The protests in Tiaret mark a rare display of public discontent since Tebboune’s election in December 2019. His predecessor, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, had stepped down following mass demonstrations during the Hirak movement. Tebboune’s administration has faced challenges in addressing longstanding issues such as corruption and economic instability, with the water shortage crisis adding to the list of grievances voiced by Algerian citizens.

As protests continue in Tiaret and surrounding areas, the government faces mounting pressure to deliver on its promises and provide a sustainable solution to the water shortage crisis. The lack of official media coverage underscores the disconnect between authorities and the concerns of ordinary citizens, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability in addressing critical issues affecting communities across Algeria.

The ongoing protests serve as a reminder of the power of grassroots movements in holding governments accountable and demanding action on pressing issues. It remains to be seen how President Tebboune’s administration will respond to the growing unrest and whether concrete steps will be taken to ensure access to clean drinking water for all residents in Tiaret and beyond.

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