Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Perils of Treating Lives as Disposable: Mpox and TOME


Title: The Urgent Need to Prioritize Lives Over Profits: Preventing Deaths from MPOX


In a world driven by profit margins and economic gains, it is disheartening to witness preventable deaths due to the prioritization of financial interests over human lives. One such example is the alarming number of deaths caused by MPOX, a deadly disease that could be effectively prevented if only profit motives did not obstruct life-saving measures. This article sheds light on the urgent need to prioritize lives over profits and highlights the potential solutions to combat this devastating ailment.

Understanding MPOX

MPOX, short for Multidrug-Resistant Poxvirus, is a highly contagious and lethal disease that primarily affects vulnerable populations in developing countries. The virus spreads rapidly through direct contact and contaminated surfaces, making it difficult to contain. MPOX manifests as severe skin lesions, fever, and respiratory distress, leading to a high mortality rate if left untreated.

Profit-driven Obstacles to Prevention

Despite the availability of effective preventive measures, such as vaccines and hygiene protocols, the prevention of MPOX has been hindered by profit-driven obstacles. Pharmaceutical companies, driven by financial gains, have failed to invest in research and development for affordable vaccines or antiviral treatments. As a result, the cost of existing vaccines remains exorbitant, rendering them inaccessible to the communities most at risk.

The Role of Patent Laws

One of the major roadblocks in combating MPOX is the stringent patent laws that protect pharmaceutical companies’ interests. These laws grant exclusive rights to companies, allowing them to control the production and pricing of life-saving drugs. Consequently, the monopolistic control over vaccines and treatments prevents competition, leading to inflated prices and limited accessibility.

The Need for Government Intervention

To address the issue of profiteering at the expense of lives, government intervention is crucial. Governments should prioritize public health by implementing policies that promote affordable access to essential vaccines and treatments. By relaxing patent laws and encouraging generic drug production, governments can foster competition and drive down prices, making life-saving interventions accessible to all.

Collaboration for Global Health

In addition to government intervention, collaboration among international organizations, NGOs, and pharmaceutical companies is imperative to combat MPOX effectively. By pooling resources, expertise, and research efforts, these stakeholders can work together to develop affordable vaccines and treatments. Furthermore, partnerships can facilitate the distribution of vaccines to remote areas, ensuring that even the most marginalized communities receive the necessary protection.

Raising Awareness and Education

Preventing deaths from MPOX also requires raising awareness and educating communities about the disease and its prevention. Public health campaigns, supported by governments and NGOs, can disseminate information about the importance of hygiene practices, early detection, and vaccination. By empowering individuals with knowledge, communities can take proactive measures to protect themselves and prevent the spread of the virus.

Investing in Research and Development

To overcome the profit-driven obstacles, increased investment in research and development is imperative. Governments, philanthropic organizations, and responsible pharmaceutical companies should allocate resources to develop affordable vaccines and antiviral treatments for MPOX. By prioritizing research and development, we can bridge the gap between profit and public health, saving countless lives in the process.


The preventable deaths caused by MPOX highlight the urgent need to prioritize lives over profits. By addressing the profit-driven obstacles, relaxing patent laws, and investing in research and development, we can pave the way for affordable vaccines and treatments. Governments, international organizations, and pharmaceutical companies must collaborate to ensure that no life is lost due to financial interests. It is time to put an end to the unnecessary suffering caused by MPOX and prioritize the well-being of humanity above all else.

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