Friday, July 12, 2024

Syrians prepare for upcoming election


Syria Prepares for Parliamentary Election Amid Controversy

Campaign posters have sprung up across Damascus as Syria prepares to hold a parliamentary election in government-held areas on Monday that is designed to renew the ruling Baath party’s grip on power. It will be the fourth election to Syria’s largely rubber-stamp parliament since civil war erupted in 2011. As in the previous ones, President Bashar Assad’s Baath party, in power since 1963, is expected to secure most of the 250 seats.

Renewed Focus on Living Conditions

Fawaz Hanna, 56, expressed concerns about the living conditions in Syria, with hyperinflation caused by the war driving millions into poverty. “Although there are new candidates… the old ones that we’re used to seeing” are still running, said Hanna. He urged candidates to take responsibility for their slogans and keep their promises.

Economic Revival Promises

Outside his photography studio in central Damascus, candidates have put up campaign posters promising to revive the economy. One candidate pledged “to support small businesses,” while another promised “a competitive industry… a thriving economy.” The Baath party and its allies are running virtually unopposed in the election, with independents being the only alternative.

Disenfranchisement Concerns

Polling stations will operate only in government-controlled areas, effectively disenfranchising millions of Syrians who live in Kurdish-controlled northeast or areas along the Turkish border controlled by rebels or jihadists. Candidates are still contesting seats allocated to the north and northeast, but only voters who have moved to government-controlled areas can cast ballots in the designated polling stations. The millions of Syrians who have found refuge abroad also have no vote.

Criticism from Exiled Opposition

Syria’s exiled opposition issued a statement condemning the election as “absurd” and stating that polls organized by the government “only represent the ruling authority.” Authorities reported that 8,953 candidates, including 1,317 women, are competing for a seat in parliament.

Hope for Economic Improvement

Despite the controversy surrounding the election, some Syrians are hopeful for economic improvement. Event planner Johnny Arbash expressed hope that the political openings with Saudi Arabia and a possible rapprochement with Turkiye would have a positive impact on living conditions. Last year, Damascus was readmitted to the Arab League after reconciling with Gulf Arab states that had championed its suspension from the regional bloc. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkiye even mentioned the possibility of inviting Assad to his country.

Mixed Reactions from Voters

Geography teacher Hossam Shaheen, 40, expressed excitement about voting and urged his friends to do the same. He emphasized the importance of participating in the election process. However, Bashir, 33, stated his intention to spoil his ballot in protest at the “predetermined” outcome. Despite his lack of faith in the candidates, he believed it was his right to participate and would cast a blank vote.

As Syria gears up for its parliamentary election, there is a mix of hope, skepticism, and controversy surrounding the process. The outcome of the election will undoubtedly have significant implications for the future of the country and its people.

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