Friday, August 2, 2024

Supporters: Iranian Nobel Laureate’s Health Declining in Prison | TOME


The Health of Jailed Iranian Nobel Laureate Narges Mohammedi Deteriorates in Prison

The health of Narges Mohammedi, an Iranian Nobel laureate, has significantly deteriorated during her time in prison, according to her supporters. They are now demanding her immediate release and access to necessary medical care.

Narges Mohammedi, a renowned rights activist, has been incarcerated since November 2021, with periods of imprisonment spanning over the past decade. In 2023, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her exceptional advocacy work.

A group of supporters, known as the Free Narges Coalition, recently received the results of medical tests conducted last month, revealing a concerning decline in Mohammedi’s health. The coalition expressed deep worry about her well-being, citing risks to her cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health, among others.

Currently held in Tehran’s Evin Prison, Mohammedi urgently requires release and immediate access to medical care, as stated by the coalition. Over the past eight months, she has been experiencing severe back and knee pain, including a herniated spinal disc.

Despite her imprisonment, Mohammedi has remained a steadfast advocate, lending her support to the protests that erupted throughout Iran following the tragic death of Mahsa Amini in custody in September 2022. Amini had been arrested for allegedly violating the country’s strict dress code for women.

In recent weeks, Mohammedi and other women detained with her at Evin Prison have staged protests in the prison yard. Their demonstrations are in response to the death sentences handed down to two Iranian Kurdish activists, Pakhshan Azizi and Sharifeh Mohammedi, who were accused of being members of an illegal armed group.

Adding to her already lengthy list of convictions, Narges Mohammedi received an additional one-year prison term in June for “propaganda against the state.” Her total sentence now amounts to 12 years and three months of imprisonment, along with 154 lashes, two years of exile, and various social and political restrictions.

The international community has expressed deep concern for Mohammedi’s deteriorating health and the unjust treatment she has endured. Human rights organizations and activists worldwide have called for her immediate release and access to the medical care she urgently requires.

The case of Narges Mohammedi highlights the ongoing human rights issues in Iran, particularly concerning the treatment of activists and dissenting voices. The international community must continue to put pressure on the Iranian government to respect human rights and ensure the well-being of individuals like Mohammedi.

As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to raise awareness about Mohammedi’s plight and advocate for her release. The power of collective action and international pressure can make a significant difference in securing justice and freedom for those unjustly imprisoned.

In conclusion, Narges Mohammedi’s health has significantly deteriorated during her time in prison, prompting concerns from her supporters. The Free Narges Coalition is demanding her immediate release and access to necessary medical care. The international community must continue to stand in solidarity with Mohammedi and advocate for her rights, highlighting the ongoing human rights issues in Iran.

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