Thursday, September 12, 2024

RFK Campaign Paid $10M to Consultant Present at Capitol Grounds During Jan. 6 Attack


A consultant who received nearly $10 million from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign and associated political action committee is believed to have been part of the mob that breached restricted areas of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The consultant, Trent Pool, and his brother operated a consultancy firm that worked to get Kennedy on the ballot in multiple states.

Photos and videos from January 6 show a man resembling Pool wearing a beanie from his alma mater, Southern Methodist University (SMU). The man can be seen spending hours on restricted ground, carrying a barricade away from a police line, and waving a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. Pool’s lawyer, Jacques Catafago, denies his client’s involvement in the violence and claims that Pool was outside helping a disabled friend and protecting a police officer.

While there is no evidence that Pool entered the Capitol building, his presence in restricted areas raises questions about his role in the events of January 6. Pool has not been charged with any crimes related to the riots. During Kennedy’s presidential campaign, his campaign and affiliated super PAC paid Pool’s firm over $9 million.

Kennedy’s campaign has since been suspended, but Pool’s efforts may still have an impact on the presidential race. Kennedy has filed lawsuits to be removed from ballots in order to benefit Donald Trump, particularly in critical swing states.

Pool is not the only Kennedy campaign consultant with ties to right-wing figures. Another consultant, Zach Henry, who was hired as a social media influencer by Kennedy, was also present on restricted Capitol grounds on January 6.

Kennedy himself has expressed skepticism about the violence of the January 6 attack and questioned the motivations behind the prosecutions. In a fundraising email, the Kennedy campaign referred to the rioters as “activists” who were “stripped of their constitutional liberties.” However, the campaign later distanced itself from the email, claiming it came from a contractor who was no longer associated with the campaign.

Pool’s two ballot access companies earned a significant amount of money from Kennedy’s campaign and affiliated super PAC. He has also worked for other candidates and third parties, including Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, and Nikki Haley.

It is important to note that Pool’s involvement in the events of January 6 has not been proven, and he has not been charged with any crimes. However, his presence in restricted areas raises questions about his role and raises concerns about the connections between Kennedy’s campaign and right-wing figures.

Kennedy is seeking to remove his name from ballots in several swing states to benefit Trump, but he will remain on the ballot in states where the deadline for removal has passed or where a judge has ruled in his favor.

The investigation into the events of January 6 is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what consequences, if any, Pool and other individuals involved will face.

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