Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Protests against New Zealand government’s Indigenous policies draw thousands | TOME


Title: Right-Leaning Coalition Vows to Reevaluate Affirmative Action and Treaty References


In a move that has sparked both support and controversy, a right-leaning coalition has recently announced its commitment to reviewing affirmative action policies and removing references to the treaty with Maori people. This bold stance has ignited a heated debate, with proponents arguing for a fairer society and opponents expressing concerns about potential repercussions. Let’s delve deeper into the implications of this pledge and the arguments on both sides.

Reviewing Affirmative Action Policies:

1. The Need for Fairness and Equality:
The right-leaning coalition argues that affirmative action policies, which aim to address historical disadvantages faced by marginalized groups, may inadvertently perpetuate discrimination. They contend that these policies should be reevaluated to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity. By focusing on meritocracy, they believe that society can progress towards a more inclusive and just future.

2. Critics’ Concerns:
Critics, however, caution against dismantling affirmative action policies entirely. They argue that systemic inequalities still persist and that affirmative action is necessary to level the playing field for historically marginalized groups. Removing these policies could potentially hinder progress towards achieving true equality, leaving vulnerable communities even further behind. They emphasize the importance of addressing the root causes of inequality rather than abandoning measures that seek to rectify historical injustices.

Removing References to the Treaty with Maori People:

1. Historical Context:
The coalition’s pledge to remove references to the treaty with Maori people is rooted in a desire to foster national unity and move away from what they perceive as divisive policies. They argue that by eliminating these references, the focus can shift towards creating a society where all citizens are treated equally, irrespective of their cultural background.

2. Cultural Preservation:
Opponents of this move express concerns about erasing the historical significance of the treaty with Maori people. They argue that the treaty is an essential part of New Zealand’s identity and serves as a reminder of the country’s commitment to honoring its indigenous population. Removing references to the treaty could be seen as disregarding the unique cultural heritage of Maori people, potentially undermining the progress made in recent years towards reconciliation and understanding.

The Debate:

1. Balancing Equality and Meritocracy:
The debate surrounding affirmative action and references to the treaty with Maori people ultimately boils down to finding a balance between equality and meritocracy. Supporters of the coalition’s stance argue that a society should be built on equal opportunities for all, regardless of race or ethnicity. They believe that removing policies that differentiate individuals based on their background will foster a more harmonious society.

2. Addressing Historical Injustices:
On the other hand, opponents stress the importance of acknowledging and addressing historical injustices. They argue that affirmative action policies and references to the treaty with Maori people are crucial steps towards rectifying past wrongs and promoting inclusivity. They advocate for a society that recognizes and celebrates diversity, while actively working towards dismantling systemic barriers.


The right-leaning coalition’s pledge to review affirmative action policies and remove references to the treaty with Maori people has ignited a passionate debate about the path towards a fairer and more inclusive society. While proponents emphasize the need for equal opportunities and a meritocratic system, critics argue that dismantling these measures may perpetuate existing inequalities. Striking a balance between equality and historical justice remains a complex challenge for policymakers. Ultimately, it is crucial for all stakeholders to engage in respectful dialogue to find common ground and shape a society that upholds both fairness and cultural preservation.

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