Sunday, March 24, 2024

Pro-Kurdish candidate combats anti-migrant sentiment in Turkey


Veli Sacilik: A Voice for Social Activism and Anti-Migrant Sentiment in Turkiye

Veli Sacilik, a pro-Kurdish candidate in Turkiye, has turned his three decades of social activism into a fight against the anti-migrant sentiment dominating local elections. Sacilik, who lost his arm in prison during a police raid after a hunger strike in 2000, is now standing for the pro-Kurdish Dem party in the municipal elections in Bolu, northwestern Turkiye.

A Strong Advocate Against Anti-Refugee Rhetoric

Sacilik’s campaign is focused on offering a democratic alternative for his city, which he believes is “stuck between racism and a rent economy.” In a city where anti-migrant sentiment has become a central theme in the election campaign, Sacilik is challenging the outgoing mayor Tanju Ozcan of the main opposition CHP party, known for his anti-Syrian refugee stance.

Sacilik believes that addressing issues such as wars and the environment is crucial to solving immigration problems. Despite Syrian refugees making up only 1.2 percent of Bolu’s population, Ozcan has pursued anti-migrant policies, including attempts to charge refugees more for water and restrict business permits.

A Diverse Political Alliance

Sacilik’s running mate, Birsen Bas, adds a unique dynamic to their campaign. Bas, a conservative and veiled woman, co-chairs with Sacilik, reflecting the Kurdish political tradition of joint leadership by a man and a woman. Their alliance aims to embrace all identities and open doors to working-class conservative districts in Bolu.

Challenges and Resilience

Despite their efforts, many residents in Bolu still fear being associated with pro-Kurdish candidates due to past attacks on individuals of Kurdish origin. The rise of nationalism and prevailing racism in the city have hindered discussions on crucial issues such as unreported employment, environmental problems, and the risk of earthquakes.

Looking Towards a Brighter Future

Sacilik remains optimistic about the future of Bolu and is determined to address the challenges facing the city. With a focus on inclusivity, social justice, and environmental sustainability, Sacilik and Bas are working towards creating a more equitable and welcoming community for all residents.

In conclusion, Veli Sacilik’s journey from social activism to political candidacy exemplifies his commitment to fighting against discrimination and injustice. As he continues to challenge anti-migrant sentiment and promote diversity in politics, Sacilik represents a beacon of hope for a more inclusive and progressive Turkiye.

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