Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pegasus CEO Ditches Spyware, Becomes Israeli AI King | TOME


Shalev Hulio: The Transformation from Cyber Villain to Cyberhero

Shalev Hulio, once known as “Israel’s cyber bad boy,” has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. His company, NSO Group, faced infamy due to its Pegasus spyware being linked to human rights abuses. However, after resigning as CEO in 2022, Hulio has reemerged with new cybersecurity ventures, signaling a successful comeback.

Dream Security, Hulio’s new startup focused on defending critical infrastructure using AI technology, was announced in November. Additionally, his involvement as an investor in IntelEye, a company monitoring the dark web, showcases his continued interest in the cybersecurity sector.

Hulio’s latest endeavor involves academia with the founding of “The Institute” at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. This initiative aims to become a hub for AI training and research in Israel, further solidifying Hulio’s transition from offensive cybersecurity work to defensive strategies.

The companies associated with Hulio share a common goal of supporting the Israeli government in its cybersecurity efforts. From NSO to Dream Security to IntelEye, there is a consistent theme of aiding national security through technological advancements.

IntelEye’s involvement in offensive intelligence work has garnered attention for its role in uncovering information that led to significant outcomes in Israel’s war efforts. The company’s close surveillance activities have been instrumental in identifying and neutralizing potential threats.

The launch of The Institute at Ben-Gurion University was marked by collaboration with industry experts and luminaries in the field of AI. Hulio’s leadership role at The Institute signifies his commitment to advancing Israel’s technological education and research capabilities.

Hulio’s association with Dovi Frances, co-founder of Group 11, further emphasizes his dedication to AI technologies and innovation. The partnership between Dream Security and The Institute promises to elevate Israel as a global leader in artificial intelligence.

The involvement of former NSO veterans like Hulio and Haba in IntelEye’s operations underscores their continued contributions to cybersecurity efforts. Their combined expertise and experience have been instrumental in addressing complex cybersecurity challenges.

The recent developments surrounding IntelEye’s role in identifying and tracking down individuals involved in illicit activities highlight the company’s impact on national security. The successful outcomes achieved by IntelEye demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced cyber surveillance techniques.

As Hulio continues to navigate the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, his focus on defensive strategies and technological innovation remains unwavering. The collaborative efforts between industry leaders and academic institutions like The Institute are poised to shape Israel’s future in AI research and development.

In conclusion, Shalev Hulio’s journey from a controversial figure in the cybersecurity world to a respected leader in AI technology exemplifies his commitment to advancing Israel’s cybersecurity capabilities. Through his various ventures and partnerships, Hulio continues to make significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity and national security.

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