Saturday, December 16, 2023

Pakistan’s First Use of Artificial Rain to Combat Pollution | TOME


Title: Combating Lahore’s Hazardous Smog with Cloud Seeding


Lahore, one of the world’s most polluted cities, has long been grappling with hazardous smog that poses a severe threat to its residents’ health and well-being. In an effort to combat this alarming issue, authorities have turned to an innovative technique known as cloud seeding. This article explores the use of cloud seeding in Lahore and its potential to alleviate the city’s smog crisis.

Understanding the Smog Crisis in Lahore:

Lahore’s smog crisis is primarily caused by a combination of factors, including industrial emissions, vehicular pollution, and agricultural burning. These factors contribute to the release of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The resulting smog not only impairs visibility but also poses significant health risks, leading to respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and even premature deaths.

What is Cloud Seeding?

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that involves dispersing substances into the air to stimulate cloud formation and precipitation. In the case of Lahore’s smog crisis, silver iodide or other suitable materials are released into the atmosphere to encourage cloud formation and subsequent rainfall. The aim is to cleanse the air by removing pollutants and reducing smog levels.

The Process of Cloud Seeding:

Cloud seeding typically involves two methods: ground-based and aerial seeding. In ground-based seeding, generators release silver iodide particles into the air, which act as nuclei for water vapor to condense around, forming clouds. Aerial seeding, on the other hand, utilizes aircraft to disperse the seeding agents into the clouds.

Cloud Seeding in Lahore:

To combat the hazardous smog in Lahore, authorities have implemented cloud seeding as a potential solution. By artificially inducing rainfall, cloud seeding aims to wash away the pollutants suspended in the air, effectively reducing smog levels and improving air quality.

The Benefits of Cloud Seeding:

1. Improved Air Quality: Cloud seeding offers a promising solution to reduce the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, leading to improved air quality. The process helps to cleanse the air by removing particulate matter and other harmful substances, thus mitigating the health risks associated with smog.

2. Enhanced Visibility: The thick blanket of smog often reduces visibility in Lahore, impacting daily activities and posing risks for transportation. Cloud seeding can help disperse the smog, allowing for clearer skies and improved visibility, thereby enhancing safety for residents.

3. Health Benefits: The reduction in smog levels through cloud seeding can significantly improve public health outcomes. By minimizing exposure to hazardous pollutants, respiratory and cardiovascular issues can be reduced, leading to a healthier population overall.

4. Agricultural Benefits: Smog not only affects human health but also has adverse effects on agricultural productivity. Cloud seeding can help alleviate the impact of smog on crops by reducing pollutants that hinder plant growth and development. This, in turn, can contribute to better agricultural yields and food security.


Cloud seeding holds immense potential as a tool to combat Lahore’s hazardous smog crisis. By artificially inducing rainfall and cleansing the air of pollutants, this innovative technique offers hope for improved air quality, enhanced visibility, and better public health outcomes. As authorities continue to explore and implement cloud seeding initiatives, it is crucial to monitor its effectiveness and consider it as part of a comprehensive strategy to address Lahore’s pollution challenges.

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