Saturday, October 28, 2023

Netherlands Requests Russian Diplomats to Depart


The Dutch government has taken a firm stance against Russia, accusing the country of attempting to send spies to the Netherlands. In response, the government has announced that “a number” of Russian diplomats will be expelled from the country. This is the latest development in the diplomatic dispute between the two countries that began when Russia invaded Ukraine last year.

Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra stated that despite numerous attempts to find a solution, Russia continues to try to get intelligence officers into the Netherlands under diplomatic cover. He added that it is still important to keep the embassies open as a communication channel, even with strained relations between the two countries. The Russian diplomats have been given two weeks to leave and a Russian trade office in Amsterdam has been ordered to close by Tuesday.

The Dutch government has also decided to limit the number of diplomats at the Russian embassy in The Hague to match the number of those at the Dutch embassy in Moscow. Additionally, they have accused Moscow of refusing to grant visas to Dutch diplomats to staff the Netherlands’s consulate in St Petersburg and embassy in the Russian capital. As a result, the Dutch government has decided to close its consulate in St Petersburg.

The diplomatic dispute between the two countries began when the Dutch government expelled 17 Russian intelligence officers shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. In response, Russia kicked out 15 Dutch diplomats. So far, there has been no comment from Moscow on this latest development.

Overall, it is clear that the Dutch government is taking a hard stance against Russia and their attempts to send spies into the Netherlands. The government has announced that a number of Russian diplomats will be expelled and other measures are being taken to limit diplomatic relations between the two countries. It remains to be seen how Moscow will respond to this latest development.

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