Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Monaco Exonerates Najib Mikati and Family from Money Laundering Accusations


An Investigation into Najib Mikati and Family Concludes with Dismissal of Allegations

Najib Mikati

MONACO, France: An investigation into Najib Mikati and his family has recently concluded, resulting in the dismissal of all allegations and the closure of the case. The investigation, conducted by Monaco’s Judicial Police, found no evidence of any wrongdoing regarding money laundering allegations that were made over three years ago.

No Evidence of Wrongdoing

After a comprehensive investigation, Monaco’s Deputy Attorney General confirmed in a letter on August 23 that the case, which was entrusted to Monaco’s Judicial Police on July 15, 2020, had been closed. This decision confirms that the allegations and speculation surrounding Najib Mikati and his family were unfounded.

Confidence in the Outcome

The Mikati family had always maintained their confidence in the outcome of the investigation, as they were aware that there was no basis to the claims. This recent decision by the Monaco judicial authorities follows a confirmation from the Princely Court of Liechtenstein that there are no pending investigations against the Mikati family in Liechtenstein. Previous media reports had alleged otherwise. Additionally, a Lebanese case against the family was also recently dropped. As a result, there are currently no ongoing investigations, queries, or indictments against any member of the Mikati family in any jurisdiction.

Reaction from Najib Mikati

Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati expressed his delight at the closure of the case, stating, “I am delighted that this case has been closed after the European and Lebanese authorities found no evidence to support the allegations. I believe these investigations were triggered by false and politically-motivated smears. I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of the Lebanese people.”

A Clear Separation between Public and Private Life

The Mikati family has consistently maintained their innocence and emphasized the importance of a clear separation between public and private life. They have always acted in full compliance with relevant rules, regulations, and ethical standards globally. All assets and properties belonging to Najib Mikati have been duly and consistently disclosed to the Constitutional Council in Lebanon, in accordance with prevailing laws, rules, and regulations since he entered politics.


The recent conclusion of the investigation into Najib Mikati and his family brings closure to a case that has been ongoing for over three years. With no evidence of any wrongdoing found, the dismissal of all allegations reaffirms the Mikati family’s innocence. This outcome, coupled with the confirmation from the Princely Court of Liechtenstein and the dropping of a Lebanese case, further solidifies their position. Najib Mikati can now continue his work on behalf of the Lebanese people with confidence, knowing that these investigations were based on false and politically-motivated smears.

Keywords: Najib Mikati, investigation, allegations, dismissal, Monaco, Judicial Police, money laundering, innocence

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