Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mass casualty events in Gaza dampen Western outrage: UNRWA chief


The Normalization of Mass Casualty Events in Western Media

The recent Israeli military strikes in Gaza have brought to light a disturbing trend in Western media coverage. According to Sam Rose, the director of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, these strikes have “normalised” mass casualty events that would have previously been “remembered forever.” This normalization of violence has desensitized the public to the horrors of war and has had devastating consequences for the people of Gaza.

The Israeli bombing of an UNRWA-run school in Nuseirat is a tragic example of this normalization. Local medical workers report that at least 40 people were killed in the attack. UNRWA has around 300 schools in Gaza, but none have been able to function as anything other than refugee shelters since hostilities began on Oct. 7. More than 36,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands of Gazans displaced by the fighting.

Rose emphasized the importance of adhering to the rules of war, including protecting the inviolability of humanitarian installations and following principles of distinction and proportionality. He expressed shock at the sheer number of people with injuries he witnessed during his last visit to Gaza, highlighting the dramatic humanitarian consequences of the conflict.

As the conflict continues, many thousands of people have sought shelter at UNRWA schools, which are equipped with solar panels and can provide limited amounts of clean water. However, Israel’s assault on the southern city of Rafah has forced many to flee the area, leading to a significant decrease in population.

Rose described the heartbreaking scenes of families sitting on the side of the road with their belongings packed up neatly beside them, waiting for help. The aid supplies are insufficient to meet the needs of such a high number of refugees, leaving many without necessary food, shelter, and equipment.

The situation in Gaza has deteriorated rapidly, with many people experiencing famine conditions in a short period of time. The psychological toll of repeatedly adjusting to the realities of life in Gaza is immense, and Rose warned that there will be a reckoning at some point.

It is crucial for Western media to continue shining a light on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to hold all parties accountable for their actions. The normalization of mass casualty events should not be accepted or ignored. Every life lost in conflicts like these should be remembered and mourned, not brushed aside as just another statistic.

As the world watches the events unfolding in Gaza, it is important to remember the human cost of war and to advocate for peace and justice for all those affected by this devastating conflict. Only through continued awareness and action can we hope to prevent further tragedies and bring about a lasting resolution to the crisis in Gaza.

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