Saturday, October 28, 2023

Libya’s Chaos Leaves People Vulnerable to Deadly Flooding


The Deadly Storm in Libya: A Country Struggling to Recover

A devastating storm has wreaked havoc in Libya, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. The country, already plagued by years of chaos and division, was ill-prepared for the catastrophic floods. With crumbling infrastructure and a lack of a central government, Libya was left vulnerable to the intense rains. This disaster highlights the urgent need for a climate strategy in the country.

Years of war and political instability have left Libya divided between rival administrations and beset by militia conflict since the overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi in 2011. The city of Derna in the east of the country was particularly hard-hit, with large sections of riverside buildings washed away after two dams burst. The aftermath revealed a scene of devastation, with water gushing through the remaining tower blocks and overturned cars. The lack of a warning system or evacuation plan meant that residents had no indication of the impending danger.

One of the major obstacles in providing aid to those affected by the storm is the division within the country. Libya is currently governed by two rival administrations, each with its own prime minister and international backers. The lack of cooperation between these factions has hindered rescue efforts and the distribution of aid. Despite pledges from both governments and the eastern military commander, successful cooperation has been elusive. Rival parliaments have failed to unify, further exacerbating the situation.

International efforts to send rescue teams and aid face logistical challenges due to severed roads and political strife. Permissions to enter the most affected areas have to be approved by rival authorities, adding another layer of complexity to relief operations. While regional and world powers have offered assistance, reaching the hardest-hit areas remains a challenge.

The recent flooding is just one in a series of problems that Libya has faced due to its lawlessness. Protests erupted across the country last month after news broke of a secret meeting between the Libyan and Israeli foreign ministers, leading to calls for the resignation of Prime Minister Dbeibah. Sporadic fighting between rival militias in the capital earlier in August highlighted the influence of armed groups in Libya. The country has also become a transit point for migrants fleeing conflict and poverty, with militias and human traffickers taking advantage of the instability.

Despite its rich oil reserves, Libya’s population has not benefited from its natural resources. Blockades and security threats have disrupted the production of crude oil, the country’s most valuable export. Disagreements over the allocation of oil revenues have further contributed to the country’s instability.

The city of Derna, once known for its scenic white beachfront houses and palm gardens, has suffered neglect and destruction in recent years. It became a hub for extremist groups after Qaddafi’s ouster and was bombarded by airstrikes and besieged by forces loyal to Hiftar. The lack of rebuilding and investment since the revolution has left the city vulnerable to disasters like the recent storm. Suspicion and reluctance from Hiftar to allow Derna independence have hindered reconstruction efforts.

The deadly storm in Libya serves as a stark reminder of the country’s struggles and the urgent need for unity and investment in infrastructure. The lack of a climate strategy and a central government leaves Libya vulnerable to future environmental disasters. International support and cooperation are crucial in providing aid to those affected and rebuilding the country’s infrastructure. Only through unified efforts can Libya begin to recover from the years of chaos and division that have left it in ruins.

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