Thursday, January 4, 2024

Jordan’s Lower House Speaker meets with Kuwaiti and UN envoys | TOME


Ahmed Safadi, the speaker of the House of Representatives in Jordan, recently met with the Kuwaiti ambassador to discuss the relations between their nations’ parliaments. The meeting focused on the need for cooperative communication and consultation to strengthen ties and serve the common interests of both countries. Additionally, Safadi expressed his condolences to Kuwait for the death of Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the country’s emir.

One of the key topics discussed during the meeting was the Palestinian cause. Safadi emphasized that Jordan aims to serve the interests of Arab countries and will continue to be a defender of justice and Palestinian rights. He also highlighted the unanimous support among Jordanians for the Hashemite custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

In a separate meeting with the UN’s resident coordinator in Jordan, Safadi and Sheri Ritsema-Anderson stressed the importance of upholding human rights and international law without discrimination. They particularly emphasized the need for international support in ending the war in Gaza. Safadi criticized what he described as Western bias towards the deceptive narrative of the Israeli occupation, highlighting the targeting of civilians, hospitals, schools, mosques, and churches as war crimes that must be stopped.

Safadi unequivocally rejected any attempt to forcibly displace Palestinians from their homeland, stating that it would be a violation of international law with disastrous consequences for the region. Ritsema-Anderson echoed these sentiments, noting that the war on Gaza has exposed the unequal guarantee of universal human rights for all people.

The UN is committed to supporting Jordan’s efforts in achieving its humanitarian and development priorities, as well as its strategic goals in areas such as the economy, education, and food security. Jordan is seen as a model of stability and a fundamental pillar of regional security that must be supported by all.

In conclusion, the meeting between Ahmed Safadi and the Kuwaiti ambassador highlighted the importance of cooperative communication and consultation between their nations’ parliaments. The discussions focused on serving the common interests of both countries and strengthening ties under the leadership of King Abdullah of Jordan and Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s new emir. Safadi reiterated Jordan’s commitment to the Palestinian cause and its role as a defender of justice and Palestinian rights. The separate meeting with the UN’s resident coordinator emphasized the need to uphold human rights and international law without discrimination. Both parties called for international support in ending the war in Gaza and criticized the biased narrative surrounding the Israeli occupation. The UN expressed its commitment to supporting Jordan’s priorities in humanitarian and development efforts, recognizing the country as a model of stability and a pillar of regional security.

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