Thursday, January 4, 2024

Jordanian Soda Sales Surge Amid Anti-Western Boycott


In recent months, a grassroots movement in Jordan has gained momentum, protesting the alleged support of Western companies for Israel amidst its brutal war in Gaza. This movement has led to a shift in the Jordanian market share of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, with local alternatives seeing a surge in sales. One of the key players in this shift is Defaf Al-Nahrayn Company (DNC), the owner of the trademark Matrix Cola.

DNC, a Jordanian soda and juice manufacturer established in 2008, primarily focused on exporting to neighboring countries due to the dominance of foreign giants in its home market. However, responding to the recent surge in local consumer demand, DNC has doubled its production capacity of Matrix Cola. Marketing Manager Abdalmo’een Ibrahim Abu Zaid explained that since the boycott gained momentum in October, DNC has expanded its distribution across the entire Kingdom by increasing its workforce and convoy fleet.

The call to boycott Western products is particularly strong in the capital city of Amman. Many Jordanians and other Arab countries believe that Israel’s occupation of Palestine would not be possible without the support of the US and some European countries and corporations. Pepsi and Coca-Cola have faced criticism for their alleged ties to Israel. Coca-Cola operates a factory in the Israeli settlement of Atarot in the occupied West Bank, while Pepsi acquired the Israeli-based manufacturing company SodaStream in 2018.

At Cozmo, a popular supermarket chain in West Amman, cashier Sultan shares his observations: “Customers are committed to boycotting, with most looking for alternatives to brands that support Zionism.” Sultan estimates that about 90 percent of customers actively participate in the boycott. The store has responded by labeling local products and aiding customers in their search for ethical alternatives.

According to the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, 93 percent of Jordanians are participating in boycotting Western companies that support the Israeli occupation. Randa Jamal, a member of BDS Jordan, explained that the campaign was launched in Jordan during the Israeli war on Gaza in 2014. Initially, public support for boycotts was weak, but through years of campaigning, raising awareness, and educating students, the movement has gained traction. Major companies have sold up and left Israel, and investors have divested from Israeli and international companies.

As the war in Gaza continues into its third month, more Jordanians are choosing to express their condemnation using their purchasing power. This reflects a heightened awareness of the ethical implications that everyday consumption carries. The shift in the beverage aisles of supermarkets in Amman is a testament to the power of grassroots movements and the impact they can have on shaping consumer behavior.

The surge in sales of local alternatives like Matrix Cola demonstrates that consumers are willing to support local brands that align with their values. By boycotting Western companies, Jordanians are sending a message that they will not support businesses that allegedly contribute to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. This movement highlights the importance of ethical consumerism and the role individuals can play in promoting social and political change through their purchasing decisions.

In conclusion, the boycott of Western products in Jordan is reshaping the beverage market share, with local alternatives gaining popularity. Companies like DNC have responded to the increased demand by doubling their production capacity. The boycott reflects a growing awareness among Jordanians of the ethical implications of their consumption choices and their desire to support brands that align with their values. This grassroots movement serves as a powerful reminder of the impact consumers can have on shaping corporate behavior and promoting social justice.

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