Saturday, August 10, 2024

Israel’s Use of Sonic Booms as Psychological Warfare in Lebanon | TOME


Title: Israel’s Thunderous Noise: A Reminder of Beirut’s Devastating Port Explosion


In recent weeks, Israel’s use of thunderous noise has sparked memories of the tragic explosion that shook Beirut’s port in August 2020. The eerie similarity has left many questioning the impact of such tactics and the potential consequences they may have on communities. This article delves into the use of thunderous noise by Israel and its implications, drawing parallels to the devastating Beirut port explosion.

1. The Use of Thunderous Noise:

Since October 7, Israel has been employing the use of thunderous noise as a military tactic. This technique involves creating loud explosions or sonic booms to intimidate and deter adversaries. While it may serve as a psychological deterrent, the effects on civilians and infrastructure cannot be overlooked.

2. Memories of Beirut’s Port Explosion:

The thunderous noise used by Israel has triggered painful memories for the people of Beirut. In August 2020, a massive explosion at the city’s port resulted in widespread devastation, claiming hundreds of lives and leaving thousands injured. The haunting echoes of that tragedy resurface with each thunderous noise, causing distress and anxiety among the affected communities.

3. Psychological Impact on Communities:

The use of thunderous noise as a military tactic can have severe psychological consequences on communities. The sudden and loud explosions can induce fear, anxiety, and trauma, particularly among those who have experienced similar incidents in the past. The constant reminder of the Beirut explosion exacerbates these psychological effects, leaving communities vulnerable and distressed.

4. Infrastructure Damage:

Beyond the psychological impact, the use of thunderous noise can also cause significant damage to infrastructure. The vibrations and shockwaves generated by these explosions can weaken buildings, disrupt communication networks, and even damage critical facilities such as hospitals and schools. The long-term consequences of such damage can hinder the affected communities’ ability to recover and rebuild.

5. International Concerns:

Israel’s use of thunderous noise has raised international concerns regarding the potential escalation of violence and the need for peaceful resolutions. The echoes of the Beirut explosion serve as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from military actions. Calls for dialogue, de-escalation, and the pursuit of diplomatic solutions have become even more urgent in light of these events.

6. Humanitarian Implications:

The use of thunderous noise highlights the humanitarian implications of military tactics. Innocent civilians, already burdened by the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, now face additional distress and uncertainty. The international community must prioritize the protection of civilians and ensure that military actions do not further exacerbate their suffering.

7. Seeking a Path to Peace:

In the face of these alarming events, it is crucial for all parties involved to seek a path to peace. Dialogue, negotiation, and diplomacy must take precedence over the use of force. The echoes of the Beirut explosion should serve as a reminder of the urgent need for conflict resolution and the prevention of further tragedies.


The use of thunderous noise by Israel has reignited painful memories of the devastating Beirut port explosion. While military tactics may aim to deter adversaries, the psychological impact on communities and the potential damage to infrastructure cannot be ignored. It is imperative that the international community emphasizes peaceful resolutions and prioritizes the protection of civilians. By learning from the past and working towards dialogue and diplomacy, we can strive for a future free from the haunting echoes of tragedy.

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