Sunday, June 2, 2024

Israel’s $3 billion deal for 25 additional F-35 stealth jets


Title: Israel Approves Purchase of Additional F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets


Israel has recently announced the approval of a $3 billion deal to purchase a third squadron of F-35 stealth fighter jets. This decision will bring the total number of F-35s in Israel’s air force to 75, making it the first country outside the United States to acquire this advanced aircraft. The deal will be financed through the defense aid package provided by the United States. In addition, Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney have agreed to involve Israeli defense companies in the production of aircraft components.

Heading 1: Israel Expands its Fleet of F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets

Israel’s Ministry of Defense has given the green light for the purchase of an additional 25 F-35 stealth fighter jets. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin, these aircraft will bolster Israel’s air force capabilities, bringing the total number of F-35s in their fleet to 75. This decision highlights Israel’s commitment to maintaining a technologically advanced military force.

Heading 2: Israel’s Pioneering Role in Acquiring the F-35

Israel has been at the forefront of acquiring the F-35 stealth fighter jets. In fact, it was the first country outside the United States to procure this advanced aircraft. This demonstrates Israel’s dedication to maintaining a qualitative military edge in the region. In May 2018, Israel’s air force chief proudly announced that Israel was also the first nation to use the F-35 in combat.

Heading 3: The F-35: A Game-Changing Aircraft

The F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is a cutting-edge aircraft that offers advanced stealth capabilities and superior performance. Its Hebrew name, “Adir” (Mighty), reflects its powerful attributes. The F-35’s advanced technology allows for increased situational awareness, enhanced survivability, and improved mission effectiveness. With its ability to operate undetected and strike targets with precision, the F-35 has become a game-changer in modern warfare.

Heading 4: Collaboration with Israeli Defense Companies

Lockheed Martin and engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney have recognized the expertise of Israeli defense companies and have agreed to involve them in the production of aircraft components. This collaboration will not only strengthen Israel’s defense industry but also contribute to the global supply chain for F-35 production. Israeli companies will have the opportunity to showcase their capabilities and contribute to the development of this advanced aircraft.

Heading 5: Strengthening US-Israel Defense Cooperation

The financing of this $3 billion deal will be covered by the defense aid package that Israel receives from the United States. This highlights the strong defense cooperation between the two nations and underscores the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security. The F-35 purchase further solidifies the strategic partnership between Israel and the United States, ensuring Israel’s military superiority in the region.

Heading 6: The Impact on Israel’s Defense Capabilities

The addition of a third squadron of F-35s to Israel’s air force will significantly enhance its defense capabilities. The F-35’s stealth technology allows it to operate undetected, providing Israel with a significant advantage in potential conflicts. With its advanced sensors and avionics, the F-35 can gather critical intelligence and conduct precision strikes on enemy targets. This acquisition reinforces Israel’s commitment to maintaining its qualitative military edge in the region.


Israel’s decision to purchase an additional squadron of F-35 stealth fighter jets demonstrates its commitment to maintaining a technologically advanced military force. As the first country outside the United States to acquire the F-35, Israel continues to play a pioneering role in utilizing this game-changing aircraft. The collaboration with Israeli defense companies further strengthens Israel’s defense industry and contributes to the global supply chain for F-35 production. With the financing of this deal covered by the United States’ defense aid package, the strategic partnership between Israel and the United States is further solidified. The addition of these advanced aircraft will significantly enhance Israel’s defense capabilities, ensuring its military superiority in the region.

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