Saturday, October 28, 2023

Israelis Protest Government’s Judicial Overhaul Again


For nine consecutive weeks, tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to protest against the government’s plan to overhaul the country’s court system. The demonstrations, which have been held in various cities across Israel, including Tel Aviv, have been peaceful, unlike earlier protests that turned violent. The protesters are rejecting legislation proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing and religious allies that would limit the Supreme Court’s powers to rule against the legislature and the executive, while giving legislators decisive powers in appointing judges.

The proposed judicial reforms are a cornerstone of Netanyahu’s latest administration, which is an alliance with ultra-Orthodox and far-right parties that took office in late December. Netanyahu, who is currently on trial for corruption, has presented the overhaul as key to restoring the balance between the branches of government in a system he has argued gave judges too much power over elected officials.

The proposed legislation would give more weight to the government in the committee that selects judges and would deny the Supreme Court the right to strike down any amendments to Israel’s quasi-constitution, known as “Basic Laws”. These provisions have already received first-reading endorsements from legislators. Another element of the reforms would give the 120-member parliament power to overrule Supreme Court decisions with a simple majority of 61 votes.

Analysts have said such a derogation clause could allow lawmakers to uphold any annulment of the corruption charges Netanyahu is being tried on, should parliament vote to absolve him and the Supreme Court then ruled against it. However, Netanyahu has denied any link between the reforms and his own court case.

The intensity of the protests increased this week when Israeli police fired stun grenades and scuffles broke out in Tel Aviv on Wednesday during a nationwide “day of disruption”. Despite this, Saturday night’s demonstrations continued peacefully. “I came to demonstrate against the regime revolution, which the Israeli government forced upon us,” said 53-year-old history teacher Ronen Cohen. “I hope that this huge demonstration will affect and prove that we are not going to give up.”

The marches have attracted huge crowds on a weekly basis since early January when Netanyahu’s government took aim at the Supreme Court. The protesters fear that the proposed legislation will undermine Israel’s democracy and lead to a dictatorship. “There’s a great danger that Israel will turn into a dictatorship,” said 68-year-old high school teacher Ophir Kubitsky. “We came here to demonstrate over and over again until we win.”

The protests have become a major challenge for Netanyahu’s government, with opposition leaders joining the demonstrations and calling for the proposed legislation to be scrapped. The protests have also drawn international attention, with human rights groups expressing concern about the erosion of democracy in Israel.

In conclusion, the ongoing protests in Israel against the government’s plan to overhaul the court system have entered their ninth week. The proposed legislation would limit the Supreme Court’s powers and give legislators decisive powers in appointing judges. The protests have been peaceful, except for earlier clashes with police during a nationwide “day of disruption”. The protesters fear that the proposed legislation will undermine Israel’s democracy and lead to a dictatorship. The protests have become a major challenge for Netanyahu’s government, with opposition leaders joining the demonstrations and calling for the proposed legislation to be scrapped.

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