Sunday, June 2, 2024

“Israeli Diplomat Dismissed from African Union Meeting”


בתקופה של שנתיים של מאמצים דיפלומטיים, ישראל הצליחה לקבל את מעמדה של מפקח באיחוד האפריקני. אולם, החלופה של הארגון האו”ם (OAU) בשנת 2002, לאורך השנים מובילה להתביישות של ישראל במעמדה. ביולי 2021, הראש של הוועדה של האיחוד, Moussa Faki Mahamat, קיבל את הרשות לבד, מהרבה מדינות איחוד האפריקני, לבטל את הרשות.

South Africa and Algeria, two powerful members of the African Union, led the charge against Israel’s observer status, arguing that it was in violation of AU statements supporting the occupied Palestinian territories. In February 2022, the AU decided to suspend the debate on whether to suspend Israel’s observer status in order to avoid a rift in the 55-member body. The newly elected AU chairman, Macky Salk, said the vote would be postponed until 2023 and a committee was set up to consult with member states and build consensus on the matter.

ב-18 בפברואר 2023, חברי משלחת ישראליים, שהיו מתאריכים להשתתף באולם, גורשו מאולם ועידת האיחוד האפריקני. Ebba Kalondo, spokesperson for the African Union’s chairman, said the diplomat was removed because she was not the duly accredited Israeli ambassador to Ethiopia – the official who was expected. An AU official later told AFP news agency that the diplomat who was “asked to leave” had not been invited to the meeting, with a non-transferable invitation issued only to Israel’s ambassador to the African Union, Aleli Admasu. Israel blamed the incident on South Africa and Algeria, two key nations in the bloc, saying they were driven by “hate” and holding the AU hostage. South Africa rejected this claim, saying that Israel’s application for observer status at the AU has not been decided upon by the bloc.

Israel’s removal from the summit sparked condemnation from the Israeli foreign ministry. The ministry said that it “looks harshly upon” the incident and summoned the charge d’affaires at South Africa’s embassy for a reprimand. The dispute over Israel’s observer status to the bloc has been ongoing since July 2021 and is likely to continue until 2023 when a decision is expected to be made. Until then, Israel will not be able to participate in any activities of the African Union as an observer.

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