Thursday, November 2, 2023

Israeli airstrikes near Damascus claim lives of two fighters: NGO


Title: Israeli Airstrikes Target Pro-Iran Militias and Hezbollah in Damascus


In a recent development, Israeli airstrikes targeted military positions near Damascus, resulting in the death of two fighters supporting the Syrian government. The strikes specifically aimed at arms depots belonging to pro-Iran militias and Lebanese Hezbollah. This article will delve into the details of the incident, Israel’s motives behind such attacks, and the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Israeli Strikes on Damascus

Late Monday, Israeli airstrikes hit sites southwest and southeast of Damascus, leading to the demise of two pro-regime fighters, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The strikes successfully destroyed arms depots belonging to pro-Iran militias and Hezbollah, located just a few kilometers away from the Damascus International Airport and the Kiswah area.

Syria’s official news agency, SANA, initially reported that the country’s air defenses intercepted “hostile targets” in the Damascus area without providing further details. However, SANA later confirmed that the Israeli enemy launched missiles from the occupied Golan Heights, resulting in material damages and injuring a soldier.

Israel’s Motives and Targets

Throughout the decade-long civil war in Syria, Israel has conducted numerous airstrikes on Syrian territory. These attacks primarily target Iran-backed forces, Hezbollah fighters, and Syrian army positions. Israel has consistently emphasized its determination to prevent Iran, its arch-foe, from expanding its presence in Syria.

Israel’s actions are driven by concerns over Iran’s increasing influence and military capabilities in the region. Iran has been providing significant support to the Syrian government, including military aid and personnel. Additionally, Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group backed by Iran, has also played a crucial role in supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Israel perceives both Iran and Hezbollah as direct threats to its national security. It fears that their growing presence near its borders could lead to an escalation of hostilities and potential attacks on Israeli territory. As a result, Israel has adopted a proactive approach, conducting preemptive strikes to degrade the capabilities of these groups and prevent any potential attacks.

The Ongoing Conflict in Syria

The conflict in Syria has been ongoing since 2011 when protests against the government of President Bashar al-Assad erupted. The situation quickly escalated into a full-blown civil war, with various factions, including rebel groups and jihadist organizations, vying for control.

Over the years, the conflict has become increasingly complex, with multiple international actors involved. Russia and Iran have provided significant support to the Syrian government, while the United States and its allies have backed certain rebel groups. This complex web of alliances and rivalries has further exacerbated the violence and prolonged the conflict.

Israel’s involvement in the Syrian conflict is primarily driven by its own security concerns. It aims to prevent the transfer of advanced weaponry from Iran to Hezbollah through Syria. Additionally, Israel seeks to maintain a balance of power in the region and prevent any single entity from gaining too much influence.


The recent Israeli airstrikes on pro-Iran militias and Hezbollah positions near Damascus highlight Israel’s ongoing efforts to counter the growing influence of Iran and its proxies in Syria. These strikes are part of a broader strategy aimed at safeguarding Israel’s national security and preventing potential attacks on its territory.

As the conflict in Syria continues to evolve, it is crucial for regional and international actors to find a diplomatic solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict. Only through dialogue and cooperation can a lasting peace be achieved in Syria, ensuring stability in the region as a whole.

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