Friday, June 28, 2024

Israel allows 19 sick children to leave Gaza in first medical evacuation in 2 months


The recent medical evacuation of 68 people, including 19 sick or wounded children and their companions, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt has shed light on the dire situation in the region. The nearly nine-month Israel-Hamas war has left Gaza’s health sector in shambles, with most hospitals forced to shut down. Thousands of people in Gaza are in urgent need of medical treatment abroad, including hundreds of critical cases.

The evacuation was carried out in coordination with officials from the United States, Egypt, and the international community. The patients left Gaza through the Kerem Shalom cargo crossing, with the intention of traveling to Egypt and beyond for medical treatment. Family members bid tearful goodbyes to their loved ones at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, as they embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty.

One father, Nour Abu Zahri, wept as he kissed his young daughter goodbye. The girl had severe burns on her head from an Israeli airstrike, and despite her mother being allowed to accompany her, he was not granted clearance to leave Gaza with her. Another mother, Kamela Abukweik, broke down in tears as her son boarded the bus to the crossing with her mother, unsure of where he was headed. Her son had tumors spread all over his body, and she expressed her anguish at not knowing the reason behind his condition.

The Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, the only available route for travel in and out of Gaza, remains closed after Israeli forces captured it during their operation in the city. Egypt has refused to reopen its side of the crossing until Palestinian control is restored on the Gaza side. The closure has severely impacted the ability of Palestinians in Gaza to seek medical treatment abroad.

Dr. Mohammed Zaqout, the head of Gaza’s hospitals, highlighted the urgent need for medical evacuations from Gaza. He stated that over 25,000 patients in Gaza require treatment abroad, including nearly 1,000 children with cancer, a quarter of whom need immediate evacuation. The recent evacuation of 68 individuals is just a small fraction of those in need, emphasizing the need for a more sustainable solution.

Physicians for Human Rights Israel and Gisha have petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court to create a permanent mechanism for medical evacuations from Gaza. The current situation, with limited evacuations due to closed crossings, is deemed unsustainable by human rights organizations. The World Health Organization has also called for the establishment of medical evacuation corridors to ensure safe and timely passage for critically ill patients from Gaza.

As international criticism mounts over Israel’s campaign against Hamas and the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, urgent action is needed to address the medical needs of the population. The ongoing conflict has resulted in widespread devastation and suffering, with thousands of civilians, including women and children, among the casualties. The international community must work towards a lasting solution to ensure access to essential medical care for those in need in Gaza.

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