Saturday, November 4, 2023

Israel acknowledges Moroccan control of Western Sahara


Israel Recognizes Morocco’s Sovereignty over Western Sahara

In a significant move, Israel has announced its recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara region. This decision was conveyed through a letter from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Morocco’s King Mohammed VI. The royal office in Rabat confirmed the contents of the letter and expressed its appreciation for Israel’s recognition.

Opening of a Consulate in Dakhla

Netanyahu’s letter also mentioned Israel’s intention to open a consulate in the town of Dakhla, located in the Moroccan part of Western Sahara. This move has long been demanded by Rabat and is seen as a step towards strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.

Strengthening Relations and Regional Stability

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen hailed Netanyahu’s announcement, stating that it would enhance the relations between the states and peoples, as well as contribute to peace and regional stability. The speaker of the Israeli parliament, Amir Ohana, had previously visited Rabat in June and expressed support for recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. He indicated that serious discussions were underway, and Netanyahu would announce his decisions soon.

The Western Sahara Dispute

The Western Sahara dispute dates back to 1975 when Spain withdrew from the territory, leading to a 15-year war between Morocco and the Polisario Front, a movement seeking independence for the region. Currently, Rabat controls nearly 80 percent of Western Sahara and considers it as its sovereign territory due to its abundant phosphates and fisheries resources. On the other hand, the Algeria-backed Polisario Front advocates for independence and has called for a UN-supervised referendum on self-determination, which has not yet taken place.

Israel’s Decision and International Recognition

According to the royal office’s statement, Netanyahu’s letter mentioned that Israel’s decision would be communicated to the United Nations, international organizations, and all countries with which Israel has diplomatic relations. This move aims to ensure that Israel’s recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara is acknowledged globally.

The Abraham Accords and Growing Cooperation

Morocco and Israel normalized their relations in December 2020 as part of the Abraham Accords, a series of US-backed agreements between Israel and Arab states. In exchange for normalization, Morocco received recognition from the United States of its sovereignty over Western Sahara. Since then, cooperation between the two countries in security, trade, and tourism has been steadily growing.

Caution and Concerns

While politicians advocate for closer ties between Morocco and Israel, some sections of the Moroccan public remain cautious. They express concerns about the presence of ultra-nationalists in Israel’s government who are hostile towards further negotiations with the Palestinians. It is essential for both countries to address these concerns and ensure that the benefits of their cooperation are felt by all segments of society.

Rivalry between Morocco and Algeria

Israel’s decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara comes at a time of heightened rivalry between Morocco and Algeria. Last summer, the two neighboring North African countries severed their diplomatic relations. This recognition may further strain their already tense relationship.


Israel’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara marks a significant development in the ongoing dispute. It strengthens bilateral relations between the two countries and contributes to regional stability. However, challenges remain, including addressing public concerns and managing the rivalry between Morocco and Algeria. The international community’s response to Israel’s decision will also play a crucial role in shaping the future of the Western Sahara region.

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