Sunday, August 11, 2024

Iran President Submits Cabinet for Parliament Approval | TOME


Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has presented his cabinet to parliament, which includes a woman and a Western-friendly diplomat as the country’s foreign minister. The 19-member cabinet was announced by parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf during a live broadcast on state television.

Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, a 61-year-old career diplomat known for his openness to the West, has been nominated by Pezeshkian. Araghchi played a pivotal role in the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, which was later abandoned by the United States. His nomination reflects Iran’s willingness to engage with the international community.

Another significant appointment is Farzaneh Sadegh, who would become only the second Iranian woman to hold a ministerial post since the establishment of the Islamic republic in 1979. The 48-year-old is set to head the ministry of roads and urban development, showcasing the government’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Pezeshkian has also chosen General Eskandar Momeni as the future interior minister. Momeni, a 60-year-old police commander and former member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, brings a wealth of experience in security and law enforcement to the role. This appointment underscores the government’s focus on maintaining domestic stability and ensuring the safety of its citizens.

In the defense ministry, General Aziz Nasirzadeh, a former commander of the Iranian Air Force, is set to take the helm. With his extensive military background and experience, Nasirzadeh is expected to strengthen Iran’s defense capabilities and safeguard its national security interests.

The future oil minister will be Mohsen Paknezhad, a 58-year-old executive director with a long career in the country’s energy industry. As Iran seeks to leverage its vast oil reserves and revitalize its economy, Paknezhad’s expertise will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities in the global energy market.

The candidates will undergo a review process by parliament, with a vote by lawmakers scheduled to take place starting Saturday. This democratic process ensures transparency and accountability in the selection of ministers.

It is worth noting that Pezeshkian had previously announced his intention to consult with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say in all matters of state, before finalizing the list of ministers. This demonstrates the president’s commitment to working within the framework of Iran’s political system and seeking the guidance of the country’s highest authority.

Despite the president’s aspirations to open Iran up to the world and revive the 2015 nuclear agreement, it is important to recognize that his powers are limited. The implementation of state policies is ultimately determined by Ayatollah Khamenei, who has been in power since 1989.

In conclusion, the presentation of the cabinet by President Masoud Pezeshkian reflects Iran’s commitment to engaging with the international community, promoting gender equality, and ensuring domestic security. The nominated ministers bring a diverse range of expertise and experience to their respective roles, which will be instrumental in addressing the country’s challenges and pursuing its national interests. The parliamentary review process will provide an opportunity for lawmakers to scrutinize the candidates and ensure that the final cabinet represents the best interests of the Iranian people.

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