Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Iran dismisses UN nuclear watchdog report as ‘nothing new’ | TOME


Iran Denies Accelerating Production of Highly Enriched Uranium

Tehran: Iran’s top nuclear official, Mohammad Eslami, dismissed the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stating that Iran had accelerated its production of highly enriched uranium. Eslami stated that there was “nothing new” in the report and that Iran’s activities were in accordance with regulations.

The IAEA report, released on Tuesday, claimed that Iran had increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous reduction in output. According to the report, Iran has been producing about nine kilograms (20 pounds) of 60 percent enriched uranium per month since the end of November. This is a significant increase from the three kilograms per month produced since June and a return to the levels seen in the first half of 2023.

However, it is important to note that enrichment levels of around 90 percent are required for use in a nuclear weapon, and Iran has consistently denied any ambition to develop such weapons. The country insists that its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful.

Iran had appeared to slow down its enrichment as a gesture while informal talks for a restored nuclear agreement with the United States were underway. However, tensions between the two countries have escalated in recent months, with each side accusing the other of exacerbating the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Iran suspended its compliance with the limits on its nuclear activities set by the 2015 nuclear deal with major powers a year after former US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018 and reimposed sanctions. Since then, Iran has been steadily increasing its stocks of enriched uranium, surpassing the permitted level under the deal by 22 times, according to a confidential IAEA report.

Eslami criticized what he called a “media frenzy” surrounding the latest IAEA report, suggesting that it was an attempt to divert public attention from the ongoing war in Gaza. It is worth noting that Iran has been a vocal supporter of Palestine and has condemned Israel’s actions in the region.

The IAEA plays a crucial role in monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities and ensuring compliance with international regulations. The agency’s reports are closely scrutinized by the international community, particularly by countries involved in negotiations with Iran regarding its nuclear program.

The recent increase in Iran’s production of highly enriched uranium raises concerns among some countries about the country’s intentions. However, it is important to approach these reports with caution and wait for further verification and analysis from the IAEA.

The situation between Iran and the United States remains tense, with both sides engaging in a war of words and accusations. Restoring the nuclear agreement and addressing Iran’s nuclear program will require diplomatic efforts and negotiations. It is crucial for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and find a peaceful resolution to ensure regional stability and global security.

In the meantime, the international community will continue to closely monitor Iran’s nuclear activities and rely on the IAEA’s assessments to assess compliance with international regulations.

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