Tuesday, July 9, 2024

India-Russia Arms Talks: What’s Behind Modi-Putin Meeting?


Russia and India have a longstanding history of collaboration in the defense sector, with both countries engaging in the trade of various weapons systems over the years. This partnership has been mutually beneficial, with Russia being a key supplier of advanced military equipment to India, while India has provided a lucrative market for Russian defense exports. Let’s take a closer look at some of the weapons that Russia and India have traded in the past.

1. Sukhoi Su-30MKI Fighter Jets:
One of the most significant defense deals between Russia and India was the purchase of Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jets by the Indian Air Force. The Su-30MKI is a multirole fighter aircraft that has been customized to meet the specific requirements of the Indian Air Force. India has acquired over 200 Su-30MKI jets from Russia, making it one of the largest operators of this aircraft outside of Russia.

2. T-90 Main Battle Tanks:
India has also procured T-90 main battle tanks from Russia, which have been in service with the Indian Army for several years. The T-90 is a modern and heavily armored tank that provides significant firepower and protection on the battlefield. India has purchased hundreds of T-90 tanks from Russia and has also licensed the production of these tanks domestically.

3. S-400 Triumf Air Defense System:
In recent years, India signed a deal with Russia to acquire the advanced S-400 Triumf air defense system, which is considered one of the most capable long-range surface-to-air missile systems in the world. The S-400 system will significantly enhance India’s air defense capabilities and provide protection against a wide range of aerial threats.

4. BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile:
The BrahMos supersonic cruise missile is a joint venture between India and Russia, with both countries contributing to its development and production. The BrahMos missile is known for its speed, accuracy, and versatility, making it a potent weapon in both land-attack and anti-ship roles. India has deployed the BrahMos missile on various platforms, including ships, submarines, aircraft, and land-based launchers.

5. MiG-29 Fighter Jets:
India has been operating MiG-29 fighter jets for several decades, with many of these aircraft being acquired from Russia. The MiG-29 is a versatile and agile fighter jet that has been upgraded to meet modern combat requirements. India has used the MiG-29 in various roles, including air defense, ground attack, and reconnaissance missions.

6. Kamov Ka-226T Helicopters:
India has also signed a deal with Russia to procure Kamov Ka-226T light utility helicopters for the Indian Armed Forces. The Ka-226T is a modern helicopter that offers excellent performance in a wide range of missions, including reconnaissance, transport, and medical evacuation. India plans to manufacture these helicopters locally under a joint venture agreement with Russia.

In conclusion, the defense partnership between Russia and India has resulted in the trade of various weapons systems that have enhanced India’s military capabilities across different domains. From fighter jets and tanks to air defense systems and missiles, both countries have collaborated on developing and acquiring advanced military equipment. This partnership is expected to continue in the future, with more defense deals likely to be signed between Russia and India to further strengthen their strategic ties.

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